Poetry International Poetry International

Ida Börjel

echolalia; ecologic, premise

echolalia; ecologic, premise
position of dependence; moth
on the wrong side of the pane was
a desert that had ceased to sing
there was also: the boulevard
at sunset, gathering place
at sunset; Aegean
archipelago; rose of woe, night whose eyes
burst the burning tea house
in Kew Gardens, setting sun
life, angel of meat
her twenty-euro bill on the ferry
Rødby-Puttgarden freedom’s
ninth of October two-thousand-eleven
launch, the boat people
the pursuit of happiness Ayman
halfway across     Mare

echolali; ecologica, premisse

echolali; ecologica, premisse
afhankelijke positie; nachtvlinder
op de verkeerde kant van de ruit bestond
een woestijn die ophield met zingen
er bestond ook: boulevard
in de ondergaande zon; verzamelplaats
in de ondergaande zon; Egeïsche
archipel; roos van onrust, nacht waarvan de ogen
gebroken het brandende theehuis
in Kew Gardens, zakkende zon
leven, een vleesengel
met biljet van twintig euro op de veerboot
Rødby-Puttgarden de vrijheid van
negen oktober tweeduizend elf
tewaterlating, bootvluchtelingen
the pursuit of happines Ayman
halverwege over          Mare

ekolali; ekologik, premiss
beroendeställningen; nattfjäril
på fel sida rutan fanns
en öken som slutat sjunga
det fanns också: paradgata
i solnedgången; egeiska
övärld; orons ros, natt vars ögon
brustit det brinnande tehuset
i Kew Gardens, sjunkande sol
liv, en köttängels
tjugoeurosedel på färjan
Rødby – Puttgarden frihetens
nionde oktober tjugohundraelva
sjösättningen, båtflyktningarna
the pursuit of happiness Ayman
halvvägs över    Mare

echolalia; ecologic, premise

echolalia; ecologic, premise
position of dependence; moth
on the wrong side of the pane was
a desert that had ceased to sing
there was also: the boulevard
at sunset, gathering place
at sunset; Aegean
archipelago; rose of woe, night whose eyes
burst the burning tea house
in Kew Gardens, setting sun
life, angel of meat
her twenty-euro bill on the ferry
Rødby-Puttgarden freedom’s
ninth of October two-thousand-eleven
launch, the boat people
the pursuit of happiness Ayman
halfway across     Mare

echolalia; ecologic, premise

echolalia; ecologic, premise
position of dependence; moth
on the wrong side of the pane was
a desert that had ceased to sing
there was also: the boulevard
at sunset, gathering place
at sunset; Aegean
archipelago; rose of woe, night whose eyes
burst the burning tea house
in Kew Gardens, setting sun
life, angel of meat
her twenty-euro bill on the ferry
Rødby-Puttgarden freedom’s
ninth of October two-thousand-eleven
launch, the boat people
the pursuit of happiness Ayman
halfway across     Mare
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère