Poetry International Poetry International

Jan H. Mysjkin


There was a final exchange of visiting cards
with a whole load of people.
There was a slowness skilfully devised.

There was, drunk and onanistic, a silent
and softish shadow, padding around,
always alone, always discreet, taciturn.

There were old folks.

* * *

There was this that my flirtation’s lovely eyes spangled her coal-black diamonds with tears.

There was this that, seen from all angles, Lady Chatterley’s Lover can offer personal experience certain didactic pleasures.

There was this that the packet service no longer counts as a company.

* * *

There was the triumph of the wheezy, paralytic steamboats
doing fourteen knots instead of twenty.

There was the rabble, socialism, depopulation,
anti-militarism, the arising occasion, the economic
decline, the lack of a spirit of perseverance.

There was the review, worthy of
compassion because of those innumerable short-
comings at great length.

* * *

There was this that I speak a fair amount of English, as I triumphantly made clear.



Er was een laatste uitwisseling van visitekaartjes
met een hele hoop mensen.
Er was een kundig uitgekiende traagheid.

Er was, dronken en onanistisch, een stille
en zachte schim, ronddwalend,
altijd alleen, altijd discreet, zwijgzaam.

Er waren ouderen.

* * *

Er was dat de mooie ogen van mijn scharrel hun zwarte diamanten met tranen hebben bepareld.

Er was dat Lady Chatterley’s Lover aan de persoonlijke ervaring vanuit alle kanten bekeken zekere didactische genoegens kan bieden.

Er was dat de pakketvaart als maatschappij niet meer telt.

* * *

Er was de triomf van de amechtige, paralytische stoomboten
die veertien knopen doen in plaats van twintig.

Er was het gajes, het socialisme, de ontvolking,
het antimilitarisme, het voorkomend geval, de economische
achteruitgang, het gebrek aan volhardingsgeest.

Er was de beoordeling, meelijwekkend
vanwege de ontelbare tekort-
komingen in het lang en het breed.

* * *

Er was dat ik redelijk wat Engels spreek, zoals ik triomfantelijk te verstaan heb gegeven.


There was a final exchange of visiting cards
with a whole load of people.
There was a slowness skilfully devised.

There was, drunk and onanistic, a silent
and softish shadow, padding around,
always alone, always discreet, taciturn.

There were old folks.

* * *

There was this that my flirtation’s lovely eyes spangled her coal-black diamonds with tears.

There was this that, seen from all angles, Lady Chatterley’s Lover can offer personal experience certain didactic pleasures.

There was this that the packet service no longer counts as a company.

* * *

There was the triumph of the wheezy, paralytic steamboats
doing fourteen knots instead of twenty.

There was the rabble, socialism, depopulation,
anti-militarism, the arising occasion, the economic
decline, the lack of a spirit of perseverance.

There was the review, worthy of
compassion because of those innumerable short-
comings at great length.

* * *

There was this that I speak a fair amount of English, as I triumphantly made clear.


There was a final exchange of visiting cards
with a whole load of people.
There was a slowness skilfully devised.

There was, drunk and onanistic, a silent
and softish shadow, padding around,
always alone, always discreet, taciturn.

There were old folks.

* * *

There was this that my flirtation’s lovely eyes spangled her coal-black diamonds with tears.

There was this that, seen from all angles, Lady Chatterley’s Lover can offer personal experience certain didactic pleasures.

There was this that the packet service no longer counts as a company.

* * *

There was the triumph of the wheezy, paralytic steamboats
doing fourteen knots instead of twenty.

There was the rabble, socialism, depopulation,
anti-militarism, the arising occasion, the economic
decline, the lack of a spirit of perseverance.

There was the review, worthy of
compassion because of those innumerable short-
comings at great length.

* * *

There was this that I speak a fair amount of English, as I triumphantly made clear.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère