Poetry International Poetry International

Jan H. Mysjkin


To the mule drivers, to the one guarding the bungalow,
to the home votive plate.

To the man who brings the eggs for the omelette,
to the one who sells them,
to the one who watches as I eat them.

To the writing materials, to the middle of a sentence, to the ideas on

To the day that makes the snow thaw,
to the outermost edge of the overhanging path,
to the strength of the wrists.

To the dangerous path, to the path
that is suddenly no longer there,
to the path that turns round and wishes us ‘goodbye’.

To the flattering expressions, to the names of place and addressee, to
        the white.

To the den where I slept,
to the woman, loving and laughing and naughty and all,
to the idolatrous gestures.

To the night that fell, to the guides
that disappeared, to the imprints
of the mules’ hooves.

To the shrewdness of the snake and the idleness of the dormouse,
to the middle of a sentence,
to the white.



Aan de muildierdrijvers, aan de bewaker van de bungalow,
aan de offerschaal van het oord.

Aan de man die de eieren brengt voor de omelet,
aan diegene die ze verkoopt,
aan diegene die toekijkt wanneer ik ze eet.

Aan het schrijfgerief, aan het midden van een zin, aan de ideeën in

Aan de dag die de sneeuw doet smelten,
aan de uiterste rand van het overhangende pad,
aan de kracht van de polsen.

Aan de gevaarlijke weg, aan de weg
die er opeens niet meer is,
aan de weg die zich omdraait en ons ‘tot ziens’ wenst.

Aan de vleiende bewoordingen, aan de namen van plaats en
        bestemmeling, aan het wit.

Aan het hol waar ik sliep,
aan de vrouw, lief en lachend en ondeugend en al,
aan de idolate gebaren.

Aan de nacht die inviel, aan de gidsen
die verdwenen, aan de afdrukken
van de muildierhoeven.

Aan de slimheid van de slang en de luiheid van de zevenslaper,
aan het midden van een zin,
aan het wit.


To the mule drivers, to the one guarding the bungalow,
to the home votive plate.

To the man who brings the eggs for the omelette,
to the one who sells them,
to the one who watches as I eat them.

To the writing materials, to the middle of a sentence, to the ideas on

To the day that makes the snow thaw,
to the outermost edge of the overhanging path,
to the strength of the wrists.

To the dangerous path, to the path
that is suddenly no longer there,
to the path that turns round and wishes us ‘goodbye’.

To the flattering expressions, to the names of place and addressee, to
        the white.

To the den where I slept,
to the woman, loving and laughing and naughty and all,
to the idolatrous gestures.

To the night that fell, to the guides
that disappeared, to the imprints
of the mules’ hooves.

To the shrewdness of the snake and the idleness of the dormouse,
to the middle of a sentence,
to the white.


To the mule drivers, to the one guarding the bungalow,
to the home votive plate.

To the man who brings the eggs for the omelette,
to the one who sells them,
to the one who watches as I eat them.

To the writing materials, to the middle of a sentence, to the ideas on

To the day that makes the snow thaw,
to the outermost edge of the overhanging path,
to the strength of the wrists.

To the dangerous path, to the path
that is suddenly no longer there,
to the path that turns round and wishes us ‘goodbye’.

To the flattering expressions, to the names of place and addressee, to
        the white.

To the den where I slept,
to the woman, loving and laughing and naughty and all,
to the idolatrous gestures.

To the night that fell, to the guides
that disappeared, to the imprints
of the mules’ hooves.

To the shrewdness of the snake and the idleness of the dormouse,
to the middle of a sentence,
to the white.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère