Poetry International Poetry International

Anja Utler

marsyas, encircled 3 / neatly: separated

him: being observed his: glistening limbs
slippery with sweat – spasms – salt will seem
whitish by the tree: the axilla flowering,
will stiffen, crystallise, then, when the skin’s
shrunk by the wind, beside him parchment
will hang from the scourged limbs – the flesh conelike

so: reeden the: leaf-spines spreading out from marshy soil: sedge
      the sawgrass it: sways
the conical corn-ears – [tss] tips they cut that cuts
     – [tsp] – whispers
whispering throughout – the corneal layer the fingerberries’ buds – [fv]
     – carved: in the wind

marsyas, umkreist 3 / säuberlich: scheiden

marsyas, umkreist 3 / säuberlich: scheiden

ihn sich: zu besehen ihm: glänzen die glieder sie
glitschen im schweiß – gekrampft – weißlich vorm
stamm wird das salz: in der achsel ihm ausblühn,
wird starrend, kristallen sein, dann, wenn die hülle
geschrumpft ist vom wind pergamenten daneben
hängt – zapfig im fleisch – das beschaute ab

so: binsig die: blattspreite breiten vom sumpfgrund sich: simsen
     das schneidried das: wiegt
sich die zapfigen ährchen – [ch] – spitzen sie schneiden das schneidet
     – [tsh] – zischelt
durchzischelt – die hornschicht die knospen der fingerbeere – [pfch]
     – ritzt sich: im wind


marsyas, encircled 3 / neatly: separated

him: being observed his: glistening limbs
slippery with sweat – spasms – salt will seem
whitish by the tree: the axilla flowering,
will stiffen, crystallise, then, when the skin’s
shrunk by the wind, beside him parchment
will hang from the scourged limbs – the flesh conelike

so: reeden the: leaf-spines spreading out from marshy soil: sedge
      the sawgrass it: sways
the conical corn-ears – [tss] tips they cut that cuts
     – [tsp] – whispers
whispering throughout – the corneal layer the fingerberries’ buds – [fv]
     – carved: in the wind

marsyas, encircled 3 / neatly: separated

him: being observed his: glistening limbs
slippery with sweat – spasms – salt will seem
whitish by the tree: the axilla flowering,
will stiffen, crystallise, then, when the skin’s
shrunk by the wind, beside him parchment
will hang from the scourged limbs – the flesh conelike

so: reeden the: leaf-spines spreading out from marshy soil: sedge
      the sawgrass it: sways
the conical corn-ears – [tss] tips they cut that cuts
     – [tsp] – whispers
whispering throughout – the corneal layer the fingerberries’ buds – [fv]
     – carved: in the wind

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère