Poetry International Poetry International

Anja Utler

marsyas, encircled

                    Articulation also occasionally occurs
                    [. . .] when inhaling (inverse sound).
                    Thus, for example, an inverse [f] is used
                    from time to time for the expression of a
                    sudden, mild pain.

                    R. Arnold / K. Hansen

much later is:
as if rattling as if: the breath got going and
along the edge capsules crackling, even cracking
the seeds they: spurt spray deeper, back
from the shoreline, across the land

before that:
tongue lining the gums with whispers
chirruping, trilling in the (. . .) in the heat
lost in haze – fresh-cut grass – it’s
whirring past – an echo – the wind

marsyas, umkreist

marsyas, umkreist

                    Die Lautbildung erfolgt [. . .] gelegentlich
                    auch bei Einatmung (inspiratorische Laute).
                    So wird z.B. als Ausdruck eines plötzlichen,
                    leichten Schmerzes zuweilen ein
                    inspiratorisches [f] verwendet.

                    R. Arnold / K. Hansen

weit danach ist:
als rassle als: käme die atmung in gang und
den rand entlang knacken ja platzen die kapseln
die samen sie: spritzen sprühn tiefer, vom
wassersaum ab, übers land

säumt die zunge den gaumen im zischeln
dem girren dem trillern im (. . .) in der hitze
verwischt sie – geschnittenes gras – sich
durchschwirrt sie – ein echo – den wind

marsyas, encircled

                    Articulation also occasionally occurs
                    [. . .] when inhaling (inverse sound).
                    Thus, for example, an inverse [f] is used
                    from time to time for the expression of a
                    sudden, mild pain.

                    R. Arnold / K. Hansen

much later is:
as if rattling as if: the breath got going and
along the edge capsules crackling, even cracking
the seeds they: spurt spray deeper, back
from the shoreline, across the land

before that:
tongue lining the gums with whispers
chirruping, trilling in the (. . .) in the heat
lost in haze – fresh-cut grass – it’s
whirring past – an echo – the wind

marsyas, encircled

                    Articulation also occasionally occurs
                    [. . .] when inhaling (inverse sound).
                    Thus, for example, an inverse [f] is used
                    from time to time for the expression of a
                    sudden, mild pain.

                    R. Arnold / K. Hansen

much later is:
as if rattling as if: the breath got going and
along the edge capsules crackling, even cracking
the seeds they: spurt spray deeper, back
from the shoreline, across the land

before that:
tongue lining the gums with whispers
chirruping, trilling in the (. . .) in the heat
lost in haze – fresh-cut grass – it’s
whirring past – an echo – the wind
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère