A woken clock can talk,sounds swell around the corner,
how late it was, how angry
the room got, how furious the feet are.
Then out of nowhere the dream.
A silence which is inconsolable,
no blanket, in the cold,
the water weighs the winter, then evaporates:
slowly the clouds become transparent.
© Translation: 2011, Susan Massotty
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Het wekken van een klok kan spreken,geluiden groeien om de hoek,
hoe laat het was, hoe kwaad
de kamer werd, hoe boos de voeten zijn.
Vanzelf de droom.
Een stilte die ontroostbaar is,
geen deken, in de kou,
het water weegt de winter en verdampt:
de wolken worden langzaam doorzichtig.
© 2009, Armando
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: Uitgeverij Augustus, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: Uitgeverij Augustus, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
Poems of Armando
A woken clock can talk,sounds swell around the corner,
how late it was, how angry
the room got, how furious the feet are.
Then out of nowhere the dream.
A silence which is inconsolable,
no blanket, in the cold,
the water weighs the winter, then evaporates:
slowly the clouds become transparent.
© 2011, Susan Massotty
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
From: Gedichten 2009
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Amsterdam-Antwerpen
A woken clock can talk,sounds swell around the corner,
how late it was, how angry
the room got, how furious the feet are.
Then out of nowhere the dream.
A silence which is inconsolable,
no blanket, in the cold,
the water weighs the winter, then evaporates:
slowly the clouds become transparent.
© 2011, Susan Massotty
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère