Astrid Lampe
released from the noise disturbance of this second smallest airportthis foreign soil also draws a sharp sugar rim
round the gargle-singing steam cramming
of our cappuccino
we land already
we land steadily yet I fly
automatic (with every new impression) this piece of land overwriting
win over
upgrade each striking part of the host country with familiar scents
to casually
like a rare stamp
like an illegal film
like a criminally big and slow file
download it via my fast AirPort, to annex
• the most recent version of Cologne Cathedral
• a mixture of gargle-song and minaret
• one of the still sacred spots between baptism and death
that is how you enter
native or non-native: cultivate your accent! and
we have arrived
importing activity
exporting activity
excitedly we follow the luminous leaping line on our screen
legitimise the secret love
click on save
poetry is dope
© Translation: 2010, Diane Butterman
ontsnapt aan de geluidshinder van het op één na kleinste vliegveldtrekt ook dit buitenland een scherpe suikerrand
rond het gorgelzingend klaarstomen
van onze cappuccino
we landden reeds
we landen steeds toch vlieg ik
automatisch (met elke nieuwe indruk) dit lapje grond overschrijvend
elk markant stukje gastland met nestgeur opwaarderen
om het terloops
als een zeldzame postzegel
als een illegale film
als zo\'n misdadig groot en traag bestand
via mijn snelle AirPort binnen te halen, te annexeren
• de nieuwste versie van de Dom van Keulen
• een mix van gorgelzang en minaret
• één van die stille gewijde plaatsen tussen doop en dood
zo loop je binnen
inheems of uitheems: cultiveer je accent! en
we lopen binnen
druk importerend
druk exporterend
volgen we met spanning het verspringen van het lichtende balkje in onze display
legitimeren de geheime liefde
klikken op save
poëzie is dope
© 2010, Astrid Lampe
Publisher: First published on PIW,
Publisher: First published on PIW,
Poems of Astrid Lampe
released from the noise disturbance of this second smallest airportthis foreign soil also draws a sharp sugar rim
round the gargle-singing steam cramming
of our cappuccino
we land already
we land steadily yet I fly
automatic (with every new impression) this piece of land overwriting
win over
upgrade each striking part of the host country with familiar scents
to casually
like a rare stamp
like an illegal film
like a criminally big and slow file
download it via my fast AirPort, to annex
• the most recent version of Cologne Cathedral
• a mixture of gargle-song and minaret
• one of the still sacred spots between baptism and death
that is how you enter
native or non-native: cultivate your accent! and
we have arrived
importing activity
exporting activity
excitedly we follow the luminous leaping line on our screen
legitimise the secret love
click on save
poetry is dope
© 2010, Diane Butterman
released from the noise disturbance of this second smallest airportthis foreign soil also draws a sharp sugar rim
round the gargle-singing steam cramming
of our cappuccino
we land already
we land steadily yet I fly
automatic (with every new impression) this piece of land overwriting
win over
upgrade each striking part of the host country with familiar scents
to casually
like a rare stamp
like an illegal film
like a criminally big and slow file
download it via my fast AirPort, to annex
• the most recent version of Cologne Cathedral
• a mixture of gargle-song and minaret
• one of the still sacred spots between baptism and death
that is how you enter
native or non-native: cultivate your accent! and
we have arrived
importing activity
exporting activity
excitedly we follow the luminous leaping line on our screen
legitimise the secret love
click on save
poetry is dope
© 2010, Diane Butterman

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère