Poetry International Poetry International

Astrid Lampe


like no other she could
so had he assured her
suffer beautiful and deep from this life
(it resembled confession) …“just like a rose ”

the rose solidified in lava
steady on soldiers’ boots
in all that crosses your assault course
extracting exorbitant profit

so the lama taught her
who – orphan or no orphan –
adopted her youth
kneel nicely on bare little knees
this poem your prayer wheel
thus you extract honey
my cloister your dwelling dear

so sweet you suffered in haikus
so sweet you suffered in a p h o r i s m s

so the lama taught her
stunningly beautiful your soul
a rose solidified in lava
not ugh!
rather beautiful and deep

Lil (sigh)

deep and beautiful! he ordered
learn to suffer from this life
alone this ye
alone this we

beautiful and deep
deep deeper ape
go down on your knees: thaw
pure (pure as verb here) h o n e y

sweet and pliable! (it was simply sink or swim)
crown and reward this here and now
I live before you, thy king -
“Now a sonnet!”



als geen ander kon zij
zo had hij haar verzekerd
mooi en diep lijden aan dit leven
(het leek op biechten) …“gelijk een roos”

de roos gestold in lava
koers houdend op soldatenkistjes
uit al wat op je stormbaan komt
woekerwinst puren

zo leerde haar de lama
die – wees of geen wees –
haar jeugd adopteerde
kniel mooi op blote knietjes
dit gedicht je gebedsmolen
zo slinger je honing
mijn klooster je woning lief

zo lief je leed in haiku’s
zo lief je leed in a f o r i s m e n

zo leerde haar de lama
bloedstollend mooi je ziel
een roos gestold in lava
niks bah!
juist mooi en diep

Lil (zucht)

diep en mooi! commandeerde hij
leer lijden aan dit leven
alleen dit jij
alleen dit wij

mooi en diep
diep dieper aap
door de knieen: ontdooi
puur (puur als werkwoord hier) h o n i n g

in de plooi! (mooi slikken of stikken was het)
kroon en beloon dit hier en nu
ik leef je voor, één koning -
“Nu een sonnet!”


like no other she could
so had he assured her
suffer beautiful and deep from this life
(it resembled confession) …“just like a rose ”

the rose solidified in lava
steady on soldiers’ boots
in all that crosses your assault course
extracting exorbitant profit

so the lama taught her
who – orphan or no orphan –
adopted her youth
kneel nicely on bare little knees
this poem your prayer wheel
thus you extract honey
my cloister your dwelling dear

so sweet you suffered in haikus
so sweet you suffered in a p h o r i s m s

so the lama taught her
stunningly beautiful your soul
a rose solidified in lava
not ugh!
rather beautiful and deep

Lil (sigh)

deep and beautiful! he ordered
learn to suffer from this life
alone this ye
alone this we

beautiful and deep
deep deeper ape
go down on your knees: thaw
pure (pure as verb here) h o n e y

sweet and pliable! (it was simply sink or swim)
crown and reward this here and now
I live before you, thy king -
“Now a sonnet!”


like no other she could
so had he assured her
suffer beautiful and deep from this life
(it resembled confession) …“just like a rose ”

the rose solidified in lava
steady on soldiers’ boots
in all that crosses your assault course
extracting exorbitant profit

so the lama taught her
who – orphan or no orphan –
adopted her youth
kneel nicely on bare little knees
this poem your prayer wheel
thus you extract honey
my cloister your dwelling dear

so sweet you suffered in haikus
so sweet you suffered in a p h o r i s m s

so the lama taught her
stunningly beautiful your soul
a rose solidified in lava
not ugh!
rather beautiful and deep

Lil (sigh)

deep and beautiful! he ordered
learn to suffer from this life
alone this ye
alone this we

beautiful and deep
deep deeper ape
go down on your knees: thaw
pure (pure as verb here) h o n e y

sweet and pliable! (it was simply sink or swim)
crown and reward this here and now
I live before you, thy king -
“Now a sonnet!”
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère