Poetry International Poetry International

Astrid Lampe


my streamlined Dutch interior could wait
cashing in on the emotion we celebrated in full flow
the promotion of my interpreter to water engineer:
sooner or later he will be able
to reclaim my little wet-foot-country

stanza for stanza, practically magically
land overrunning my water

pure profit area, on a certain day when a cold frog choir
throws itself wholesale into this pumping-station
croakingly gets itself milled it is the same polder god
a god with golden balls and stolen foot soles
that squirts dune sand

warm, from me to you
moonstruck glistens now

stanza for stanza my love a country that stretches out
this country that stretches itself, plot by plot, what once
began soberly with a spot
ended up as a sky in which your navel gained height
and still

the same god
that dubs an interpreter a knight equips
the engineer with knowledge and wooden shoes

how he allows my Flevoland to become a model!

that same knight who proudly
makes me an oil magnate of his state

donates to this emirate his pearl
in the shape of a palm

          My oh my …. !

this (…) Dutch Design Dubai
eyes everywhere, prince consort!… your nest of beautiful virgins
artificial thrown up raised up –
flung, island by island, pure profit area



mijn dijk van een Hollands interieur kon wachten
handig inspelend op de emotie vierden we rap
de promotie van mijn tolk tot wateringenieur:
vroeg of laat is hij in staat
mijn natte-voeten-landje droog te leggen

strofe voor strofe, haast toverend
land op mijn water veroverend

louter wingewest, op de goede dag
dat een koud kikkerkoor
zich massaal in dit gemaal stort
zich pompend laat vermalen het is dezelfde poldergod
zo\'n god met gouden ballen en gestolen voetzolen
die duinzand spuit

warm, van mij naar u
verkikkerd glinstert nu

strofe voor strofe mijn liefde een land dat zich uitstrekt
dit land dat zich rekt, kavel aan kavel, wat ooit
nuchter begon met een streek
liep uit op zo\'n hemel die niet stopt bij je navel
en nog

dezelfde god
die een tolk tot ridder slaat de ingenieur
met kennis en klompen uitrust

hoe die mijn Flevoland model laat staan!

dezelfde ridder die mij trots
tot oliemagnaat van zijn staat maakt

dit emiraat zijn parel schenkt
in de vorm van een palm


dit (...) Dubai naar Dutch Design
ogen tekort, prins gemaal!... je nest schone maagden
kunstmatig opgeworpen opgespoten —
gewórpen, eiland voor eiland, louter wingewest


my streamlined Dutch interior could wait
cashing in on the emotion we celebrated in full flow
the promotion of my interpreter to water engineer:
sooner or later he will be able
to reclaim my little wet-foot-country

stanza for stanza, practically magically
land overrunning my water

pure profit area, on a certain day when a cold frog choir
throws itself wholesale into this pumping-station
croakingly gets itself milled it is the same polder god
a god with golden balls and stolen foot soles
that squirts dune sand

warm, from me to you
moonstruck glistens now

stanza for stanza my love a country that stretches out
this country that stretches itself, plot by plot, what once
began soberly with a spot
ended up as a sky in which your navel gained height
and still

the same god
that dubs an interpreter a knight equips
the engineer with knowledge and wooden shoes

how he allows my Flevoland to become a model!

that same knight who proudly
makes me an oil magnate of his state

donates to this emirate his pearl
in the shape of a palm

          My oh my …. !

this (…) Dutch Design Dubai
eyes everywhere, prince consort!… your nest of beautiful virgins
artificial thrown up raised up –
flung, island by island, pure profit area


my streamlined Dutch interior could wait
cashing in on the emotion we celebrated in full flow
the promotion of my interpreter to water engineer:
sooner or later he will be able
to reclaim my little wet-foot-country

stanza for stanza, practically magically
land overrunning my water

pure profit area, on a certain day when a cold frog choir
throws itself wholesale into this pumping-station
croakingly gets itself milled it is the same polder god
a god with golden balls and stolen foot soles
that squirts dune sand

warm, from me to you
moonstruck glistens now

stanza for stanza my love a country that stretches out
this country that stretches itself, plot by plot, what once
began soberly with a spot
ended up as a sky in which your navel gained height
and still

the same god
that dubs an interpreter a knight equips
the engineer with knowledge and wooden shoes

how he allows my Flevoland to become a model!

that same knight who proudly
makes me an oil magnate of his state

donates to this emirate his pearl
in the shape of a palm

          My oh my …. !

this (…) Dutch Design Dubai
eyes everywhere, prince consort!… your nest of beautiful virgins
artificial thrown up raised up –
flung, island by island, pure profit area
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère