Poetry International Poetry International

Eugenia Sánchez Nieto

Unknown Identity

I am lost in the thirteenth floor of a building in Manhattan
faceless women welcome me
a beautiful choir overwhelms me
a flute a piano lead me down a long path
an aroma of ironwood enraptures the atmosphere
beautiful men show their bodies.

Night kisses my cheek
in the long corridor slippery figures
                                                                        move nimbly
Where does this path lead?
a concert of whispers makes my wait more tense
sadness forms a beautiful but strange face
evasive shadows touch my back
a black man smiles and shows his white teeth.

Wind blows through a window
the curtains sway in a repeated
                                                                   and strange dance
a beautiful man observes a lost place
he loves, penetrates, becomes rapturous
small women smile from different doors
generous men offer their nudity
a night for meeting, a moody dance
the thirteenth floor, Manhattan without fear.

Filiación desconocida

Filiación desconocida

Me perdí en el piso trece de un edificio de Manhattan
mujeres sin rostro dan la bienvenida
un coro hermoso sobrecoge mi ser
una flauta un piano me induce por un largo camino
olor a palo santo embriaga la atmósfera
bellos hombres muestran sus cuerpos.

La noche besa mi mejilla
en el largo corredor figuras escurridizas
                                                                              se mueven ágilmente
¿A dónde me conduce este camino?
un concierto de murmullos tensiona mi espera
la tristeza construye un rostro bello pero extraño
sombras huidizas tocan mi espalda
un hombre negro sonríe y muestra sus blancos dientes.

El viento sopla por un balcón
las cortinas se mecen provocando una danza
                                                                                             reiterada y extraña
un bello hombre observa un lugar perdido
en su imaginación ama, penetra, se extasía
mujeres pequeñas sonríen desde diversas puertas
hombres generosos ofrecen su desnudez
la noche para el encuentro, la danza talentosa,
el piso trece, Manhattan sin miedo.

Unknown Identity

I am lost in the thirteenth floor of a building in Manhattan
faceless women welcome me
a beautiful choir overwhelms me
a flute a piano lead me down a long path
an aroma of ironwood enraptures the atmosphere
beautiful men show their bodies.

Night kisses my cheek
in the long corridor slippery figures
                                                                        move nimbly
Where does this path lead?
a concert of whispers makes my wait more tense
sadness forms a beautiful but strange face
evasive shadows touch my back
a black man smiles and shows his white teeth.

Wind blows through a window
the curtains sway in a repeated
                                                                   and strange dance
a beautiful man observes a lost place
he loves, penetrates, becomes rapturous
small women smile from different doors
generous men offer their nudity
a night for meeting, a moody dance
the thirteenth floor, Manhattan without fear.

Unknown Identity

I am lost in the thirteenth floor of a building in Manhattan
faceless women welcome me
a beautiful choir overwhelms me
a flute a piano lead me down a long path
an aroma of ironwood enraptures the atmosphere
beautiful men show their bodies.

Night kisses my cheek
in the long corridor slippery figures
                                                                        move nimbly
Where does this path lead?
a concert of whispers makes my wait more tense
sadness forms a beautiful but strange face
evasive shadows touch my back
a black man smiles and shows his white teeth.

Wind blows through a window
the curtains sway in a repeated
                                                                   and strange dance
a beautiful man observes a lost place
he loves, penetrates, becomes rapturous
small women smile from different doors
generous men offer their nudity
a night for meeting, a moody dance
the thirteenth floor, Manhattan without fear.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère