Poetry International Poetry International

Eugenia Sánchez Nieto

Fall into Silence

The wind wipes away footprints, lifts tiles
                                                                                            destroys places
just solitude without violence, without voices
you don’t even hear the heart beating
lost figures
if you remain in the same position
thought does not work, blood does not circulate.

No one behind the door
the invisible being hates this reality
nobody finds his or her place
men want to be women women
                                                              want to be men
empty place, lost place, deception rubs off
the hills change places
mass graves bordered by multiple bodies
peace over death

There is no door, the crossed over corridor
the stolen happiness
faces lie in wait, the split face
light escaping, life beginning
silence over the wound
Who will lament the loss?

Absolute solitude wounding me
neither spectres nor voices, a door turns on itself
a door opens, no one comes
thrown into the void
closed door, doors open to the void
the infinite horizon peopled by beings seen through
                                                                                                    multiple mirrors
taking different and individual courses
green, yellow, blue spaces
red mouths, black mouths

Multiple smiling faces
no one loves anybody
pretence, imposture
in the face, in laughter, in bodies, in words
house empty of voices, solitude and desire
the wind wipes away footprints, lifts tiles, attacks hearts.

Caída en el silencio

Caída en el silencio

El viento borra huellas, levanta tejas
                                                                            arrasa lugares
soledad sola sin violencia, sin voces
no se escucha ni el latido del corazón
figuras perdidas
si te quedas en la misma posición
el pensamiento no funciona, la sangre no circula.

Nadie detrás de la puerta
el ser invisible odia esa realidad
nadie encuentra su lugar
los hombres quieren ser mujeres las mujeres
                                                                                         quieren ser hombres
lugar vacío, lugar perdido, resbala la mentira
los cerros se trasladan
fosas comunes bordeadas de múltiples cuerpos
la paz sobre la muerte

No hay una puerta, el corredor atravesado
la dicha robada
los rostros al acecho, el rostro partido
la luz que se fuga, la vida que se inicia
silencio sobre la herida
¿Quien lamentará la perdida?

Soledad absoluta que me hiere
ni espantos ni voces, una puerta gira sobre sí misma
una puerta se abre, nadie llega
arrojada al vacío
puertas cerradas, puertas abiertas a la nada
el horizonte infinito poblado de seres vistos a través de
                                                                                                            múltiples espejos
que toman rumbos diversos y propios
espacios verdes, amarillos, azules
bocas rojas, bocas negras

Múltiples rostros sonrientes
nadie quiere a nadie
simulación, impostura
en el rostro, en la risa, en el cuerpo, en la palabra
casa vacía de voces, de soledad y deseo
el viento borra huellas, levanta tejas, agrede corazones.

Fall into Silence

The wind wipes away footprints, lifts tiles
                                                                                            destroys places
just solitude without violence, without voices
you don’t even hear the heart beating
lost figures
if you remain in the same position
thought does not work, blood does not circulate.

No one behind the door
the invisible being hates this reality
nobody finds his or her place
men want to be women women
                                                              want to be men
empty place, lost place, deception rubs off
the hills change places
mass graves bordered by multiple bodies
peace over death

There is no door, the crossed over corridor
the stolen happiness
faces lie in wait, the split face
light escaping, life beginning
silence over the wound
Who will lament the loss?

Absolute solitude wounding me
neither spectres nor voices, a door turns on itself
a door opens, no one comes
thrown into the void
closed door, doors open to the void
the infinite horizon peopled by beings seen through
                                                                                                    multiple mirrors
taking different and individual courses
green, yellow, blue spaces
red mouths, black mouths

Multiple smiling faces
no one loves anybody
pretence, imposture
in the face, in laughter, in bodies, in words
house empty of voices, solitude and desire
the wind wipes away footprints, lifts tiles, attacks hearts.

Fall into Silence

The wind wipes away footprints, lifts tiles
                                                                                            destroys places
just solitude without violence, without voices
you don’t even hear the heart beating
lost figures
if you remain in the same position
thought does not work, blood does not circulate.

No one behind the door
the invisible being hates this reality
nobody finds his or her place
men want to be women women
                                                              want to be men
empty place, lost place, deception rubs off
the hills change places
mass graves bordered by multiple bodies
peace over death

There is no door, the crossed over corridor
the stolen happiness
faces lie in wait, the split face
light escaping, life beginning
silence over the wound
Who will lament the loss?

Absolute solitude wounding me
neither spectres nor voices, a door turns on itself
a door opens, no one comes
thrown into the void
closed door, doors open to the void
the infinite horizon peopled by beings seen through
                                                                                                    multiple mirrors
taking different and individual courses
green, yellow, blue spaces
red mouths, black mouths

Multiple smiling faces
no one loves anybody
pretence, imposture
in the face, in laughter, in bodies, in words
house empty of voices, solitude and desire
the wind wipes away footprints, lifts tiles, attacks hearts.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère