Poetry International Poetry International

Eugenia Sánchez Nieto

Eugenia Sánchez Nieto

Eugenia Sánchez Nieto

(Colombia, 1953)
Born in Bogotá, in a time of great civil unrest, Eugenia Sánchez Nieto (known by her pen-name “Yuyín”) witnessed the difficult years of social and political violence in Colombia in the last half of the twentieth century. From a young age, already a voracious reader, Eugenia Sánchez Nieto gained, in addition to her love of literature and the humanities in general, a great sensibility to the injustice and inequality in Colombia.
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the National University, she specialised in Management and Planning of Regional Development and had her own literary radio program. She also worked for nearly a decade with the experimental theatre group “La Mama”. It was then she began to write and publish poetry, for which she has been awarded several prizes. For nineteen years she has been a professor of Ethics and Community Development. Her poems have been published in national and international reviews and anthologies.

“Hers is a poetry,” writes Rafael Patiño, “of strong images and a lyrical tone that always evokes blurred environments which the subject is on the verge of fading, leaving in the reader a sensation of successive mirages, phantasmagoric situations of love, of those feverish and burning bodies, product of dreams, remembrance, fever. She has conquered her own, prominent place in Colombian contemporary poetry with her very personal style, circuitous but coherent, with the coherence of a lucid madness . . . the marvellous madness of being a poet.”
© Sonia Nadezhda Truque (Translated by Nicolás Suescún)

Que venga el tiempo que nos prenda, Ulrika Editores, Bogotá, 1985
Con la venia de los heliotropos, Ulrika Editores, Bogotá, 1990
Las puertas de lo invisible, Departamento de Publicaciones, Centro Colombo Americano, Bogotá, 1993
Visibles ademanes, Colección Viernes de Poesía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, 2004


Eugenia Sánchez’s blog Poems and biography in Spanish

Las Elecciones afectivasPoems and biography in Spanish

Conversation (in Spanish) between Fernando Cuartas, John Sosa and Eugenia Sánchez published in Agulha magazine
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