Poetry International Poetry International

Eugenia Sánchez Nieto


From the window I observe how they lose themselves
how they go beyond
he whispers in her ear, she infinitely joyful
whispers with a disturbed expression,
come, come with me, the occult leads me on.

From the window I observe how they cross each other
a spate of heat and one of them has disappeared
but no . . . they’re still there gasping . . . and they are beautiful.

From my window I envy them
she smiles and makes a sign
looks at me as if looking in a mirror
I hesitate to go down
I feel I am invading spaces that are not mine

I go over the bed
they attract me like a magnet and do nothing to prevent it
he says softly, when will you free us?
she kissing his eyes asserts
this prison also hurts
we no longer want to be in your memory.



Desde una ventana observo cómo se adentran
cómo se traspasan
él habla a su oído, ella infinitamente gozosa
con una expresión de extravío murmura:
ven, ven conmigo, lo oculto me jalona.

Desde una ventana observo cómo se entrecruzan
una oleada de calor y uno ha desaparecido
pero no . . . , allí siguen jadeantes . . . y son hermosos.

Desde mi ventana les envidio
ella sonríe y hace una seña
me mira como mirándose a un espejo
dudo en bajar
me siento invadiendo espacios que no son míos.

Recorro el lecho
me atraen como un imán y no hago nada por evitarlo
él dice dulcemente, ¿Cuándo nos dejarás libres?
ella besando mis ojos afirma
esta prisión también duele
no queremos estar más en tu memoria.


From the window I observe how they lose themselves
how they go beyond
he whispers in her ear, she infinitely joyful
whispers with a disturbed expression,
come, come with me, the occult leads me on.

From the window I observe how they cross each other
a spate of heat and one of them has disappeared
but no . . . they’re still there gasping . . . and they are beautiful.

From my window I envy them
she smiles and makes a sign
looks at me as if looking in a mirror
I hesitate to go down
I feel I am invading spaces that are not mine

I go over the bed
they attract me like a magnet and do nothing to prevent it
he says softly, when will you free us?
she kissing his eyes asserts
this prison also hurts
we no longer want to be in your memory.


From the window I observe how they lose themselves
how they go beyond
he whispers in her ear, she infinitely joyful
whispers with a disturbed expression,
come, come with me, the occult leads me on.

From the window I observe how they cross each other
a spate of heat and one of them has disappeared
but no . . . they’re still there gasping . . . and they are beautiful.

From my window I envy them
she smiles and makes a sign
looks at me as if looking in a mirror
I hesitate to go down
I feel I am invading spaces that are not mine

I go over the bed
they attract me like a magnet and do nothing to prevent it
he says softly, when will you free us?
she kissing his eyes asserts
this prison also hurts
we no longer want to be in your memory.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère