Nachoem M. Wijnberg
I saw a shopwent in and bought
something I had forgotten
I already had.
I stood in the shop
and there was nothing else
I could remember
that I needed.
But what do I do
with two of them
except wait
for one to break?
My father wanted
to teach me about money,
that’s why he refused
to give me something.
He gave me money
and pointed to a shop,
go in and ask
for what you want.
© Translation: 2007, David Colmer
Ik zag een winkelen liep naar binnen,
kocht wat ik vergeten
had dat ik al had.
Ik stond in de winkel
en het was het enige
wat ik mij herinnerde
dat ik nodig had.
Maar wat moet ik
met twee daarvan
behalve wachten
tot er een kapot gaat?
Mijn vader wilde
mij leren met geld
om te gaan, daarom
gaf hij mij iets niet.
Hij gaf mij geld
en wees naar een winkel:
ga naar binnen
en vraag om wat je wilt.
© 2006, Nachoem M. Wijnberg
From: Liedjes
Publisher: Contact, Amsterdam
From: Liedjes
Publisher: Contact, Amsterdam
Poems of Nachoem M. Wijnberg
I saw a shopwent in and bought
something I had forgotten
I already had.
I stood in the shop
and there was nothing else
I could remember
that I needed.
But what do I do
with two of them
except wait
for one to break?
My father wanted
to teach me about money,
that’s why he refused
to give me something.
He gave me money
and pointed to a shop,
go in and ask
for what you want.
© 2007, David Colmer
From: Liedjes
From: Liedjes
I saw a shopwent in and bought
something I had forgotten
I already had.
I stood in the shop
and there was nothing else
I could remember
that I needed.
But what do I do
with two of them
except wait
for one to break?
My father wanted
to teach me about money,
that’s why he refused
to give me something.
He gave me money
and pointed to a shop,
go in and ask
for what you want.
© 2007, David Colmer
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