Poetry International Poetry International

Nachoem M. Wijnberg

Another one to do again, about cultural Zionism

Going to Palestine to speak and write Hebrew and starting by translating in your head what you heard people say as a child walking on the street,
   and leaving their languages to the Germans and the French because they need them so badly, und jeder soll nach seiner Façon selig werden.

Or speaking Yiddish as if it’s Arabic,
            also as a trick for when you bump into Arabs who are family, who have made such an effort to forget you and you have forgotten them.

Or you want to start by learning Yiddish because people who already speak and write German
            hardly need to do their best to understand Yiddish, that’s an advantage of Yiddish over all other languages.

But for that very reason it’s easy to lose something important when translating from German into Yiddish or vice versa,
            so maybe it would be better to speak French in Palestine.

You can easily mix Yiddish and German when speaking, or else you Germanize or Hebraicize your Yiddish, and so on, one language after the other,
            around the world in six days and on the seventh you are silent, nodding at another old man you see on the street – why are we all so old?

You want to rediscover the truest feature of your people there where they are the most left behind,
            and then search for what differs most from what the rest of your people have or what most resembles what those who have been left behind by other peoples have?

What they have forgotten to get rid of and then no longer dare to get rid of
            because it reminds them that they too once asked: but do you want to get rid of me?

If you want to make your writing as true as possible, do you try to make it sound old
            or the way someone writes who hasn’t thought in advance about how to tell a story and just starts hacking letters into a rock with a chisel?

But the least changeable qualities will surely be the ones that are not lost when they are mixed with those of others,
            and they make it possible to scream Jew, Jew at someone who writes in German or French?

What can be said about all Jews, or at least about all the good ones, besides their not believing in God,
            or passing through history as the opposite of the Weltgeist that makes clay from shards and houses from clay?

If the Jew wants to have a state, why in Palestine, why not in Europe,
            it must be possible to found a state where you already are.

Which state is not also a prison of nations,
            a few more added every day?

You have always wanted to found a state in which you could change who you ask for help if you want to flee
            just as easily as you change your opinions – and you don’t even need to flee.

Yesterday you thought that the Jews would no longer want to have a state if they all got much older,
            but today you have a different idea, so new that you don’t need to apologize for the old one.

You read the declaration of independence as if you are an actor who wants to make the audience cry, if necessary about how bad his acting is,
            because he is not sure he can get them to laugh.

If you say that I am listening to you as if I have promised to die for the state, you are probably right,
            and then I would also say what might make me die for the state or the state for me.

In Zion the Jew would be too busy building houses and living in them,
            but in Europe it is as if he has been naked from the day of his birth and has never visited a barber, but this morning they dressed him, gave him a shave and cut his hair.

You can always continue longing for Zion like Yehuda Halevi because he thought he would have good neighbors in Jerusalem,
            if he had bought a house there the price would have gone up because of the neighbors or perhaps because of just one neighbor.

What a surprise, Zion being like Sicily,

almonds and laurels.

My dear Jews,

shall we have breakfast first?

There are three possibilities,

but the one on the square is best.

They have tables on the sidewalk,

but if you go down the hall past the kitchen you come into a small courtyard.

Nog een om over te doen, over cultureel Zionisme

Nog een om over te doen, over cultureel Zionisme

Naar Palestina gaan om Hebreeuws te spreken en schrijven en te
beginnen met in je hoofd te vertalen wat je als kind hoorde zeggen toen je
op straat liep,
    en de Duitsers en de Fransen hun talen te laten, want zij hebben ze zo
hard nodig, und jeder soll nach seiner Façon selig werden.

Of Jiddisch uit te spreken alsof het Arabisch is,
ook als truc voor als je een Arabier tegenkomt die familie van je is,
die zo zijn best gedaan heeft om jou te vergeten en jij bent hem vergeten.
Of je wilt beginnen met Jiddisch te leren, want wie al Duits spreekt en
hoeft nauwelijks zijn best te doen om Jiddisch te begrijpen, dat is
een voordeel van Jiddisch boven alle andere talen.
Maar juist daarom kun je gemakkelijk iets belangrijks verliezen als je van
Duits naar Jiddisch vertaalt of omgekeerd,
dus misschien zou het beter zijn om in Palestina Frans te spreken.
Je kunt makkelijk Jiddisch en Duits door elkaar spreken, of je Jiddisch
verduitsen of verhebreeuwsen, en zo verder, de ene taal na de andere,
in zes dagen de wereld rond en op de zevende ben je stil, knik je
naar een andere oude man die je op straat ziet – waarom zijn we allemaal
zo oud?
Je wilt het meest eigenlijke van je volk terugvinden waar ze het meest
achtergelaten zijn,
en dan zoeken naar wat het meest verschilt van wat de rest van
het volk heeft of wat het meest lijkt op wat de achtergelatenen van andere
volkeren hebben?
Wat ze vergeten zijn weg te gooien en dan niet meer durven weg te gooien
omdat het ze eraan herinnert dat zijzelf ooit vroegen: maar wil je
mij dan weggooien?
Als je wat je schrijft zo eigenlijk mogelijk wilt maken, probeer je het dan
oud te laten klinken,
of juist zoals iemand schrijft die niet van tevoren nagedacht heeft
hoe hij een verhaal wilde vertellen en nu maar ergens begint met zijn
beitel letters in een rots te hakken?

Maar de minst veranderlijke eigenschappen zullen toch juist die zijn die
niet verloren gaan als ze gemengd worden met die van anderen,
en die maken dat er Jood, Jood geschreeuwd kan worden naar wie
in het Duits of het Frans schrijft?

Wat laat zich over alle Joden zeggen, of tenminste over alle goede, behalve
dat ze niet in God geloven,
of dat ze door de geschiedenis trekken als het tegenovergestelde van de
Weltgeist die uit scherven klei maakt en uit klei huizen?

Als de Jood een staat wil hebben, waarom in Palestina, waarom niet in
het moet toch mogelijk zijn een staat op te richten waar je nu toch
al bent.

Welke staat is niet ook een gevangenis voor volkeren,
elke dag komen er wel een paar meer bij?
Je zou altijd nog een staat willen oprichten waarin je net zo makkelijk als
je van mening verandert
kunt veranderen aan wie je om hulp kunt vragen als je wilt vluchten – en
je hoeft niet eens.

Gisteren dacht je dat de Joden geen staat meer zouden willen hebben als
ze allemaal veel ouder zouden worden,
maar vandaag heb je een ander idee, zo nieuw dat je je niet hoeft
te verontschuldigen voor het oude.

Je leest de onafhankelijkheidsverklaring voor alsof je een toneelspeler bent
die het publiek aan het huilen wil krijgen, desnoods om hoe slecht zijn
spel is,
omdat hij niet zeker is of hij ze aan het lachen kan krijgen.
Als je zegt dat ik naar je luister alsof ik beloofd had voor de staat dood te
willen gaan, dan zal het wel zo zijn,
en dan wil ik ook wel zeggen wat mij misschien voor de staat dood
laat gaan of de staat voor mij.

In Zion zou de Jood te veel bezig zijn met huizen bouwen en daarin
maar in Europa is het alsof hij sinds de dag van zijn geboorte
naakt geweest is en nooit naar een kapper geweest is, maar vanochtend is
hij aangekleed, snel geknipt en geschoren.

Je kunt altijd nog naar Zion verlangen zoals Jehuda Halevi, omdat hij
dacht dat hij in Jeruzalem goede buren zou hebben,
als hij daar een huis gekocht had zou de prijs omhooggaan
vanwege die buren of zelfs vanwege een enkele buurman.

Wat een verrassing, dat Zion als Sicilië is,

amandel en laurier.

Mijne heren Joden,

zullen we eerst gaan ontbijten?

Er zijn drie mogelijkheden,

maar die aan het plein is de beste.

Ze hebben een terras op straat,

maar als je door de gang voorbij de keuken loopt, kom je in een klein

Another one to do again, about cultural Zionism

Going to Palestine to speak and write Hebrew and starting by translating in your head what you heard people say as a child walking on the street,
   and leaving their languages to the Germans and the French because they need them so badly, und jeder soll nach seiner Façon selig werden.

Or speaking Yiddish as if it’s Arabic,
            also as a trick for when you bump into Arabs who are family, who have made such an effort to forget you and you have forgotten them.

Or you want to start by learning Yiddish because people who already speak and write German
            hardly need to do their best to understand Yiddish, that’s an advantage of Yiddish over all other languages.

But for that very reason it’s easy to lose something important when translating from German into Yiddish or vice versa,
            so maybe it would be better to speak French in Palestine.

You can easily mix Yiddish and German when speaking, or else you Germanize or Hebraicize your Yiddish, and so on, one language after the other,
            around the world in six days and on the seventh you are silent, nodding at another old man you see on the street – why are we all so old?

You want to rediscover the truest feature of your people there where they are the most left behind,
            and then search for what differs most from what the rest of your people have or what most resembles what those who have been left behind by other peoples have?

What they have forgotten to get rid of and then no longer dare to get rid of
            because it reminds them that they too once asked: but do you want to get rid of me?

If you want to make your writing as true as possible, do you try to make it sound old
            or the way someone writes who hasn’t thought in advance about how to tell a story and just starts hacking letters into a rock with a chisel?

But the least changeable qualities will surely be the ones that are not lost when they are mixed with those of others,
            and they make it possible to scream Jew, Jew at someone who writes in German or French?

What can be said about all Jews, or at least about all the good ones, besides their not believing in God,
            or passing through history as the opposite of the Weltgeist that makes clay from shards and houses from clay?

If the Jew wants to have a state, why in Palestine, why not in Europe,
            it must be possible to found a state where you already are.

Which state is not also a prison of nations,
            a few more added every day?

You have always wanted to found a state in which you could change who you ask for help if you want to flee
            just as easily as you change your opinions – and you don’t even need to flee.

Yesterday you thought that the Jews would no longer want to have a state if they all got much older,
            but today you have a different idea, so new that you don’t need to apologize for the old one.

You read the declaration of independence as if you are an actor who wants to make the audience cry, if necessary about how bad his acting is,
            because he is not sure he can get them to laugh.

If you say that I am listening to you as if I have promised to die for the state, you are probably right,
            and then I would also say what might make me die for the state or the state for me.

In Zion the Jew would be too busy building houses and living in them,
            but in Europe it is as if he has been naked from the day of his birth and has never visited a barber, but this morning they dressed him, gave him a shave and cut his hair.

You can always continue longing for Zion like Yehuda Halevi because he thought he would have good neighbors in Jerusalem,
            if he had bought a house there the price would have gone up because of the neighbors or perhaps because of just one neighbor.

What a surprise, Zion being like Sicily,

almonds and laurels.

My dear Jews,

shall we have breakfast first?

There are three possibilities,

but the one on the square is best.

They have tables on the sidewalk,

but if you go down the hall past the kitchen you come into a small courtyard.

Another one to do again, about cultural Zionism

Going to Palestine to speak and write Hebrew and starting by translating in your head what you heard people say as a child walking on the street,
   and leaving their languages to the Germans and the French because they need them so badly, und jeder soll nach seiner Façon selig werden.

Or speaking Yiddish as if it’s Arabic,
            also as a trick for when you bump into Arabs who are family, who have made such an effort to forget you and you have forgotten them.

Or you want to start by learning Yiddish because people who already speak and write German
            hardly need to do their best to understand Yiddish, that’s an advantage of Yiddish over all other languages.

But for that very reason it’s easy to lose something important when translating from German into Yiddish or vice versa,
            so maybe it would be better to speak French in Palestine.

You can easily mix Yiddish and German when speaking, or else you Germanize or Hebraicize your Yiddish, and so on, one language after the other,
            around the world in six days and on the seventh you are silent, nodding at another old man you see on the street – why are we all so old?

You want to rediscover the truest feature of your people there where they are the most left behind,
            and then search for what differs most from what the rest of your people have or what most resembles what those who have been left behind by other peoples have?

What they have forgotten to get rid of and then no longer dare to get rid of
            because it reminds them that they too once asked: but do you want to get rid of me?

If you want to make your writing as true as possible, do you try to make it sound old
            or the way someone writes who hasn’t thought in advance about how to tell a story and just starts hacking letters into a rock with a chisel?

But the least changeable qualities will surely be the ones that are not lost when they are mixed with those of others,
            and they make it possible to scream Jew, Jew at someone who writes in German or French?

What can be said about all Jews, or at least about all the good ones, besides their not believing in God,
            or passing through history as the opposite of the Weltgeist that makes clay from shards and houses from clay?

If the Jew wants to have a state, why in Palestine, why not in Europe,
            it must be possible to found a state where you already are.

Which state is not also a prison of nations,
            a few more added every day?

You have always wanted to found a state in which you could change who you ask for help if you want to flee
            just as easily as you change your opinions – and you don’t even need to flee.

Yesterday you thought that the Jews would no longer want to have a state if they all got much older,
            but today you have a different idea, so new that you don’t need to apologize for the old one.

You read the declaration of independence as if you are an actor who wants to make the audience cry, if necessary about how bad his acting is,
            because he is not sure he can get them to laugh.

If you say that I am listening to you as if I have promised to die for the state, you are probably right,
            and then I would also say what might make me die for the state or the state for me.

In Zion the Jew would be too busy building houses and living in them,
            but in Europe it is as if he has been naked from the day of his birth and has never visited a barber, but this morning they dressed him, gave him a shave and cut his hair.

You can always continue longing for Zion like Yehuda Halevi because he thought he would have good neighbors in Jerusalem,
            if he had bought a house there the price would have gone up because of the neighbors or perhaps because of just one neighbor.

What a surprise, Zion being like Sicily,

almonds and laurels.

My dear Jews,

shall we have breakfast first?

There are three possibilities,

but the one on the square is best.

They have tables on the sidewalk,

but if you go down the hall past the kitchen you come into a small courtyard.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère