Poetry International Poetry International

Jan Lauwereyns


According to the astronomer standing there
with a mouthful of teeth — smart fellow —
there was something already in the beginning.

Something: with great gravitational force,
a black hole, a flame in my heart.

If not, no event t before t + 1,
and so nothing between the two

where time could

take place. And without time
no arrow that leaves somewhere in order to
God knows when arrive somewhere else.

God, Cupid, Thor.

So we silently think
there must have begun something
that was the beginning of it all.



Volgens de astronoom die met de mond
vol tanden staat — knappe kerel —
was er in het begin al iets.

Iets: met veel aantrekkingskracht,
een zwart gat, een vlam in mijn hart.

Zo niet, geen gebeurtenis t voor t + 1,
en dan ook niets daartussen

waar tijd plaats

kon vinden. En zonder tijd
geen pijl die ergens vertrekt om God
weet wanneer ergens anders aan te komen.

God, Cupido, Thor.

Zo denkt men zwijgend dat
er in het begin iets geweest moet zijn
waarmee het allemaal begonnen is.


According to the astronomer standing there
with a mouthful of teeth — smart fellow —
there was something already in the beginning.

Something: with great gravitational force,
a black hole, a flame in my heart.

If not, no event t before t + 1,
and so nothing between the two

where time could

take place. And without time
no arrow that leaves somewhere in order to
God knows when arrive somewhere else.

God, Cupid, Thor.

So we silently think
there must have begun something
that was the beginning of it all.


According to the astronomer standing there
with a mouthful of teeth — smart fellow —
there was something already in the beginning.

Something: with great gravitational force,
a black hole, a flame in my heart.

If not, no event t before t + 1,
and so nothing between the two

where time could

take place. And without time
no arrow that leaves somewhere in order to
God knows when arrive somewhere else.

God, Cupid, Thor.

So we silently think
there must have begun something
that was the beginning of it all.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère