Poetry International Poetry International

Jan Lauwereyns


The moss has its designs, with bitter tears for gentle rain,
When all is said and done the sun comes back again, 

Then your appearance emerges from itself, it might 

Be a crocus when it thaws, deep in the theatre, the flood
Of the moment takes the floor, with fired-up blood, 

More springing up than streaming, a shadow cast, or bite 

In the neck, You won’t escape, you ensure,
The chronicle of beauty prescribes precisely, you assure, 

You who with your eyes have pierced my heart, 

Sings the troubadour, you are this voice that utters
Painfully, that gives pain its voice, no normal mutters 

Figuratively to turn verses into ghosts that play their part, 

Once it has all been sung, the moon will shine for more,
A moth will beat its wings of never after nor before.



Het mos beraamt, met bittere tranen voor zoete regen,
Wanneer het geheel gezegd is, komt de zon gelegen, 

Dan draait zich uit zichzelf de jouwe tevoorschijn, als 

Een krokus uit ontdooiing, diep in de schouwburg, de gloed
Van het ogenblik dient zich aan, een opgeflakkerd bloed, 

Meer springend dan stromend, een slagschaduw op, of in de hals 

Om in te bijten, Jij zult niet ontsnappen, beloof je,
Zo exact gebiedt de kroniek van de schoonheid, geloof je, 

Jij die met je ogen mij het hart hebt doorstoken, 

Zingt de troubadour, bent deze stem die leed
Verwoordt, die lijden in klanken zet, en niets vergeet 

Figuurlijk in verzen om te brengen tot geesten die spoken,

Wanneer het geheel gezongen is, blinkt de maan om vragen,
Een nachtvlinder fladdert zijn onherhaalbare vleugelslagen.




The moss has its designs, with bitter tears for gentle rain,
When all is said and done the sun comes back again, 

Then your appearance emerges from itself, it might 

Be a crocus when it thaws, deep in the theatre, the flood
Of the moment takes the floor, with fired-up blood, 

More springing up than streaming, a shadow cast, or bite 

In the neck, You won’t escape, you ensure,
The chronicle of beauty prescribes precisely, you assure, 

You who with your eyes have pierced my heart, 

Sings the troubadour, you are this voice that utters
Painfully, that gives pain its voice, no normal mutters 

Figuratively to turn verses into ghosts that play their part, 

Once it has all been sung, the moon will shine for more,
A moth will beat its wings of never after nor before.


The moss has its designs, with bitter tears for gentle rain,
When all is said and done the sun comes back again, 

Then your appearance emerges from itself, it might 

Be a crocus when it thaws, deep in the theatre, the flood
Of the moment takes the floor, with fired-up blood, 

More springing up than streaming, a shadow cast, or bite 

In the neck, You won’t escape, you ensure,
The chronicle of beauty prescribes precisely, you assure, 

You who with your eyes have pierced my heart, 

Sings the troubadour, you are this voice that utters
Painfully, that gives pain its voice, no normal mutters 

Figuratively to turn verses into ghosts that play their part, 

Once it has all been sung, the moon will shine for more,
A moth will beat its wings of never after nor before.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère