Poetry International Poetry International

Gerrit Komrij


My mother at times came alive
Was granted the gift of the gab –
She gabbled on fixed overdrive –
A seamless past made up of blab –

But most of the time she said nowt.
Reminding me most of a pillar
Unreachable, steely throughout.
To kiss her would not be a thriller.

Quite senile. She cackled away.
‘Good gracious, how well you’ve been fed’
‘What times we once had, not today’
‘And when will you leave?’ – and then dead.



Soms bloeide mijn moeder op
En kon ze als Brugman praten –
Een waterval, kip zonder kop –
Een verleden zonder hiaten –

Meestal zweeg ze. Ik denk aan haar
Als aan een ijzig rustende,
Onbenaderbare pilaar.
Je zou haar niet snel kussen.

Dement. Ze kakelde weer.
‘Jongen, wat ben je groot’
‘Het was fijn, maar nu niet meer’
‘Wanneer ga je weg?’ – en toen dood.


My mother at times came alive
Was granted the gift of the gab –
She gabbled on fixed overdrive –
A seamless past made up of blab –

But most of the time she said nowt.
Reminding me most of a pillar
Unreachable, steely throughout.
To kiss her would not be a thriller.

Quite senile. She cackled away.
‘Good gracious, how well you’ve been fed’
‘What times we once had, not today’
‘And when will you leave?’ – and then dead.


My mother at times came alive
Was granted the gift of the gab –
She gabbled on fixed overdrive –
A seamless past made up of blab –

But most of the time she said nowt.
Reminding me most of a pillar
Unreachable, steely throughout.
To kiss her would not be a thriller.

Quite senile. She cackled away.
‘Good gracious, how well you’ve been fed’
‘What times we once had, not today’
‘And when will you leave?’ – and then dead.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère