Poetry International Poetry International

Gerrit Komrij


I seek her everywhere. The dancers are
So clearly visible in their green shrine.
Still out of sight the girl, though, from the square.
I hear loud groaning. Turn round for a sign.

The water’s blackish gleam. And there I spot
My mother in the pool, with eyes unseeing.
An arm outstretched. The mire is steaming hot.
She sinks. Sucked ever downwards is her being.

An ice-pole in the boiling water. – That’s
Not what Nathan had promised me, of course.
The glaciers steam, all shivery the sweat. –
She pulls me to her with magnetic force.



Ik zoek haar overal. De dansers zijn
Goed zichtbaar in hun groene heiligdom.
Toch zie ik niet het meisje van het plein.
Ik hoor een luid gekerm. Ik draai mij om.

Het zwarte watervlak. En daar zie ik
Mijn moeder in de poel, met blinde ogen.
Een uitgestrekte arm. Heet dampt het slik.
Ze zinkt. Ze wordt steeds dieper weggezogen.

Een ijsstaaf in het kokend water. – Dit
Is niet wat Nathan had beloofd. Het zweet
Is rillerig, de gletschers zijn verhit.
Ze trekt mij naar zich toe, als een magneet.


I seek her everywhere. The dancers are
So clearly visible in their green shrine.
Still out of sight the girl, though, from the square.
I hear loud groaning. Turn round for a sign.

The water’s blackish gleam. And there I spot
My mother in the pool, with eyes unseeing.
An arm outstretched. The mire is steaming hot.
She sinks. Sucked ever downwards is her being.

An ice-pole in the boiling water. – That’s
Not what Nathan had promised me, of course.
The glaciers steam, all shivery the sweat. –
She pulls me to her with magnetic force.


I seek her everywhere. The dancers are
So clearly visible in their green shrine.
Still out of sight the girl, though, from the square.
I hear loud groaning. Turn round for a sign.

The water’s blackish gleam. And there I spot
My mother in the pool, with eyes unseeing.
An arm outstretched. The mire is steaming hot.
She sinks. Sucked ever downwards is her being.

An ice-pole in the boiling water. – That’s
Not what Nathan had promised me, of course.
The glaciers steam, all shivery the sweat. –
She pulls me to her with magnetic force.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère