Eva Gerlach
This is your eye. This is the sun. This tugging
cold, draught from a window left ajar.
This is water that fits you like a glove
That is the kettle singing on the stove
above the four knobs that control the gas.
Here you’ve the breadknife in its board’s long groove.
All of these things you need to keep a grasp of.
Today, or soon, their say will make their sense.
Publisher: , , 2022
Dit is je oog. Dit is de zon. Dit koude
dat aan je trekt, is tocht door het open raam.
Dit is water, waarin je altijd past.
Dat is de ketel, die op het vuur zingt
boven de vier draaiknoppen van het gas.
Hier zie je het broodmes in zijn plank staan.
Al deze dingen moet je goed onthouden.
Vandaag of morgen krijgen ze hun zin.
From: Een kopstaand beeld
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers,
This is your eye. This is the sun. This tugging
cold, draught from a window left ajar.
This is water that fits you like a glove
That is the kettle singing on the stove
above the four knobs that control the gas.
Here you’ve the breadknife in its board’s long groove.
All of these things you need to keep a grasp of.
Today, or soon, their say will make their sense.
From: Een kopstaand beeld
Publisher: 2022, De Arbeiderspers,
This is your eye. This is the sun. This tugging
cold, draught from a window left ajar.
This is water that fits you like a glove
That is the kettle singing on the stove
above the four knobs that control the gas.
Here you’ve the breadknife in its board’s long groove.
All of these things you need to keep a grasp of.
Today, or soon, their say will make their sense.
Publisher: 2022, ,