Eva Gerlach
There is the road and there is the
dissolving of the road. There is fear
and the expectation of fear. By means of telling
and listening you see the direction, there is
straight on and there is the wrench of
turn around and back. There is the tale
and there is the telling of roughly that kind of a tale,
there is the road and there is the
walking up the road and somewhere someone sits
who says ‘your tongue or no further.’
Er is de weg en er is het
oplossen van de weg. Er is schrik
en de verwachting van schrik. Door te vertellen
en aan te horen zie je de richting, er is
rechtuit en er is het wringen
van andersom en terug. Er is het verhaal
en het vertellen van ongeveer zo’n soort verhaal,
er is de weg en er is het
oplopen van de weg en ergens zit iemand
die zegt ‘je tong voordat je verder mag.’
From: Verhaal
Publisher: De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam
There is the road and there is the
dissolving of the road. There is fear
and the expectation of fear. By means of telling
and listening you see the direction, there is
straight on and there is the wrench of
turn around and back. There is the tale
and there is the telling of roughly that kind of a tale,
there is the road and there is the
walking up the road and somewhere someone sits
who says ‘your tongue or no further.’
From: Verhaal
There is the road and there is the
dissolving of the road. There is fear
and the expectation of fear. By means of telling
and listening you see the direction, there is
straight on and there is the wrench of
turn around and back. There is the tale
and there is the telling of roughly that kind of a tale,
there is the road and there is the
walking up the road and somewhere someone sits
who says ‘your tongue or no further.’