Poetry International Poetry International

Runa Svetlikova

This Padded White Room

Blind Woman thinks she can see but had rather
be blind because she believes that looking burns.

Blind Woman takes the well-trodden path, flails both hands
ahead, to demolish impending chances.

By night she lends meaning to every coincidence.
By morning she forgets that she was the one to assign the meaning.

Woman sings naff songs and quotes posh philosophers
in a darkness that she shares with you, a we for want of better
in this time, this head, this body, for life.

Deze zachte witte kamer

Deze zachte witte kamer

Blinde Vrouw gelooft te kunnen zien maar was liever
blind omdat ze vindt dat kijken brandt.

Blinde Vrouw volgt de evidente weg, drijft twee handen
voor zich uit om dreigende kansen te slopen.

’s Nachts geeft ze elke toevalligheid een betekenis.
’s Ochtends vergeet ze dat de betekenis door haar gegeven is.

Vrouw zingt goedkope liedjes en citeert dure filosofen
in een donker dat ze deelt met jou, een wij bij gebrek aan beter
levenslang in deze tijd, dit hoofd, dit lijf.

This Padded White Room

Blind Woman thinks she can see but had rather
be blind because she believes that looking burns.

Blind Woman takes the well-trodden path, flails both hands
ahead, to demolish impending chances.

By night she lends meaning to every coincidence.
By morning she forgets that she was the one to assign the meaning.

Woman sings naff songs and quotes posh philosophers
in a darkness that she shares with you, a we for want of better
in this time, this head, this body, for life.

This Padded White Room

Blind Woman thinks she can see but had rather
be blind because she believes that looking burns.

Blind Woman takes the well-trodden path, flails both hands
ahead, to demolish impending chances.

By night she lends meaning to every coincidence.
By morning she forgets that she was the one to assign the meaning.

Woman sings naff songs and quotes posh philosophers
in a darkness that she shares with you, a we for want of better
in this time, this head, this body, for life.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère