Poetry International Poetry International

Runa Svetlikova

The User of This Body

Fear of flying is the keenest protest against CO2: stay at home and
piss in the sink, distilled drink against the water shortage
spoonful of rice a day. The wily old hermit knew
keeping still is the best way to avoid the pain. Stay indoors.

Isolation is the best answer to heat, cold, noise pollution and
information overload. Analysis paralysis becomes a lifestyle. Luckily
the scope of life isn’t greater than that of an old cat that breathes
superficially rolls up ever smaller till it disappears into itself.

The hermit errs. A body can’t not move
there’s always something pumping: longing, longing and air.
Death is stagnation is death but even after the silence of pumps
digestion of cells discoloration of skin

even in dead bodies there is no stagnation: stardust turned into child
turned into hermit turns into stardust is gobbled up, carried along
let go, blows ever further from the core, but blows and moves.

De gebruiker van dit lichaam

De gebruiker van dit lichaam

Vliegangst is het scherpste protest tegen CO2: thuisblijven en
pissen in de pompbak, gedistilleerd drinken tegen waterschaarste
schepje rijst per dag. Kluizenaar met wilde haren wist het
stilzitten is de beste bescherming tegen pijn. Blijf binnen.

Isolatie is het beste antwoord op hitte, kou, geluidsoverlast en
information overload. Keuzeverlamming wordt lifestyle. Gelukkig is
een leven niet groter dan het blikveld van een oude kat die zich
oppervlakkig ademend steeds kleiner oprolt tot ze in zichzelf verdwijnt.

Kluizenaar vergist zich. Een lichaam kan niet niet bewegen
altijd pompt er iets in rond: verlangen, verlangen en lucht. Sterven is
stilstand is sterven maar zelfs na het zwijgen van de pompen
het verteren van de cellen het verkleuren van de huid

zelfs binnen het dode lijf is er geen stilstand: sterrenstof werd kind
werd kluizenaar wordt sterrenstof wordt opgevreten, meegedragen
laat los, waait steeds verder van de kern, maar waait, beweegt.

The User of This Body

Fear of flying is the keenest protest against CO2: stay at home and
piss in the sink, distilled drink against the water shortage
spoonful of rice a day. The wily old hermit knew
keeping still is the best way to avoid the pain. Stay indoors.

Isolation is the best answer to heat, cold, noise pollution and
information overload. Analysis paralysis becomes a lifestyle. Luckily
the scope of life isn’t greater than that of an old cat that breathes
superficially rolls up ever smaller till it disappears into itself.

The hermit errs. A body can’t not move
there’s always something pumping: longing, longing and air.
Death is stagnation is death but even after the silence of pumps
digestion of cells discoloration of skin

even in dead bodies there is no stagnation: stardust turned into child
turned into hermit turns into stardust is gobbled up, carried along
let go, blows ever further from the core, but blows and moves.

The User of This Body

Fear of flying is the keenest protest against CO2: stay at home and
piss in the sink, distilled drink against the water shortage
spoonful of rice a day. The wily old hermit knew
keeping still is the best way to avoid the pain. Stay indoors.

Isolation is the best answer to heat, cold, noise pollution and
information overload. Analysis paralysis becomes a lifestyle. Luckily
the scope of life isn’t greater than that of an old cat that breathes
superficially rolls up ever smaller till it disappears into itself.

The hermit errs. A body can’t not move
there’s always something pumping: longing, longing and air.
Death is stagnation is death but even after the silence of pumps
digestion of cells discoloration of skin

even in dead bodies there is no stagnation: stardust turned into child
turned into hermit turns into stardust is gobbled up, carried along
let go, blows ever further from the core, but blows and moves.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère