Poetry International Poetry International

Zang Di


Pessimists rarely fall in love with mushrooms,
or like you, stay truthful to the physical sensations.
Common sense tells you that unless you betray the Nihilism
you wouldn’t be interested in the spirit of mushrooms –
they roll and tumble better than bodies.

They rock ‘n roll in the pan and wheel into your mouth,
tender and fresh, least afraid of being exploited.
Any truth that optimists can think of, they present it
in a shape. Anything you want to conceal,
they perform the profoundest pardon.

They have smelt the taste of little chickens.
They love garlics when they sign a contract with broccolis.
They open their parachutes and fall, till landing in you
and becoming small nutritious gods.
The difference between disappearance and digestion

may not be as big as you thought. Before disappearing,
one of them from inside you will hand out a new recipe
asking you to be more patient next time in tasting
what mushrooms imply. There has never been anything
closer to what the universe implies than mushrooms.


Pessimisten worden niet vaak verliefd op paddenstoelen,
of zoals jij, zijn ze trouw aan de gevoelens die een paddenstoel hun geeft.
Gezond verstand zegt je dat iemand die het niets niet heeft verraden
geen interesse zal hebben in het begrijpen van de essentie van de paddenstoel  –
paddenstoelen rollen beter dan lichamen.

Ze rollen in een koekenpan, rollen de afgrond van jouw keelgat in.
Zacht en glad, delicaat, een beetje bang ook dat je
alles van ze weg zult nemen. Alle waarheden die optimisten zich kunnen herinneren,
zullen zij vorm geven. Alle dingen die jij zou willen verbergen,
kunnen zij het grondigste begrip betonen.

Zij hebben de geur van kuikenvlees geroken.
Ze houden van een getekend contract met knoflook en broccoli.
De paraplu’s die ze ophouden vallen, vallen, tot ze in jouw hart
veranderen in kleine voedingsrijke goden.
Het verschil tussen verdwijnen en verteren is misschien

niet zo groot als je wel dacht. Alvorens te verdwijnen
geeft eentje onder hen van binnen een nieuw recept,
vraagt je of je de volgende keer wat geduldiger kunt kauwen
op wat paddenstoelen laten doorschemeren. Nooit eerder
was het doorgeschemerd dat zij veel dichter bij het universum staan.







Pessimists rarely fall in love with mushrooms,
or like you, stay truthful to the physical sensations.
Common sense tells you that unless you betray the Nihilism
you wouldn’t be interested in the spirit of mushrooms –
they roll and tumble better than bodies.

They rock ‘n roll in the pan and wheel into your mouth,
tender and fresh, least afraid of being exploited.
Any truth that optimists can think of, they present it
in a shape. Anything you want to conceal,
they perform the profoundest pardon.

They have smelt the taste of little chickens.
They love garlics when they sign a contract with broccolis.
They open their parachutes and fall, till landing in you
and becoming small nutritious gods.
The difference between disappearance and digestion

may not be as big as you thought. Before disappearing,
one of them from inside you will hand out a new recipe
asking you to be more patient next time in tasting
what mushrooms imply. There has never been anything
closer to what the universe implies than mushrooms.


Pessimists rarely fall in love with mushrooms,
or like you, stay truthful to the physical sensations.
Common sense tells you that unless you betray the Nihilism
you wouldn’t be interested in the spirit of mushrooms –
they roll and tumble better than bodies.

They rock ‘n roll in the pan and wheel into your mouth,
tender and fresh, least afraid of being exploited.
Any truth that optimists can think of, they present it
in a shape. Anything you want to conceal,
they perform the profoundest pardon.

They have smelt the taste of little chickens.
They love garlics when they sign a contract with broccolis.
They open their parachutes and fall, till landing in you
and becoming small nutritious gods.
The difference between disappearance and digestion

may not be as big as you thought. Before disappearing,
one of them from inside you will hand out a new recipe
asking you to be more patient next time in tasting
what mushrooms imply. There has never been anything
closer to what the universe implies than mushrooms.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère