Poetry International Poetry International

Zang Di


When looking at something, you must first turn your head
and that's her. If the gaze is direct
she will be jumpier than a dog in an earthquake.
There's no way to look at the world that's prettier than a single cat.

Sometimes she cannot suppress comparisons between people and dogs.
She treats cats in a much more serious way than she does dogs.
Once she convinced herself that she would love a person as much as cats.
Her conclusion was that loving something is more difficult than all math.

She will not have the suffering of her soul restrained,
among the objects that are her enemies are the university, subways, and TV.
The wild beasts in the TV can spring from the screen, lick her eyebrows and earrings.
This type of thing seems to have happened repeatedly, unceasingly.

So everything with which she comes into contact
finally becomes something to be overcome.
She has special sensitivity to her surroundings. She changes them constantly –
if she stays in a place too long, people become ruins.

So, with more frequency than anyone else, she sets forth from the ruins.
This seems to be her irresistible rule of self-discipline.
Sometimes she herself can acknowledge this to be true.
In new love there is already the blemish that nobody sees yet,

and she can't stand a blemish.  Or one could say that she can't stand
for anyone else to share the blemishes that are on her body.
It's not entirely a question of needing to soften the contradictions,
in memory, dimly viewed old loves seem a little bit nicer.

There's no point to brainwashing. When the crotch has been washed,
that means that the washing is thorough. She knows that in this world
there are those who think with their crotch. She'll aim a little higher next time,
and maybe from far afield, she'll be able to see the tail of this poem.


Als je iets bekijkt, moet je je eerst omdraaien,
daar is ze dan. Als je haar direct aankijkt,
wordt ze zenuwachtiger dan een hond tijdens een aardbeving.
Hoe je de wereld ook bekijkt, nooit is ze zo’n lust voor het oog als een poes.

Soms kan ze een vergelijking tussen mensen en honden niet onderdrukken.
Ze is veel strenger tegen poezen dan tegen honden.
Ooit had ze zich ervan overtuigd dat ze net zoveel van iemand zou houden als van poezen.
Haar conclusie luidde dat liefde nog moeilijker was dan wiskunde.

Zij wil niet worden beperkt in het lijden van haar ziel,
onder de dingen die haar vijand zijn bevinden zich de universiteit, de metro en de televisie.
De wilde beesten in de tv zullen het beeldscherm uitrennen, haar wenkbrauwen en oorbellen likken.
Dit soort dingen lijken vaker dan zomaar een paar keer te zijn voorgekomen.

Dus wordt alles waarmee ze in aanraking moet komen
uiteindelijk iets wat ze moet overwinnen.
Ze heeft een speciale gevoeligheid voor haar omgeving. Die wisselt ze onophoudelijk –
als ze te lang op een plaats blijft, veranderen mensen in ruïnes.

Dus loopt ze vaker dan wie dan ook ruïnes uit.
Dat lijkt voor haar een elementaire gedragsregel.
Soms kan ze dat zelf ook erkennen.
In nieuwe liefde zitten al gebreken die niemand kan waarnemen,

zij kan niet tegen gebreken. Oftewel, ze kan er niet tegen
dat anderen ook de gebreken hebben die zij heeft.
Het is niet zozeer een kwestie van het moeten verzachten van tegenstrijdigheden,
in herinnering lijken oude vervagende liefdes een beetje beter.

Hersenspoelen dient nergens toe. Pas als je kruis is gespoeld,
is er gronding gespoeld. Zij weet dat er op deze wereld mensen
bestaan die denken met hun kruis. Met een kussentje eronder ligt ze wat hoger,
dan kan ze misschien vanaf de verste plek de staart van dit gedicht zien.










When looking at something, you must first turn your head
and that's her. If the gaze is direct
she will be jumpier than a dog in an earthquake.
There's no way to look at the world that's prettier than a single cat.

Sometimes she cannot suppress comparisons between people and dogs.
She treats cats in a much more serious way than she does dogs.
Once she convinced herself that she would love a person as much as cats.
Her conclusion was that loving something is more difficult than all math.

She will not have the suffering of her soul restrained,
among the objects that are her enemies are the university, subways, and TV.
The wild beasts in the TV can spring from the screen, lick her eyebrows and earrings.
This type of thing seems to have happened repeatedly, unceasingly.

So everything with which she comes into contact
finally becomes something to be overcome.
She has special sensitivity to her surroundings. She changes them constantly –
if she stays in a place too long, people become ruins.

So, with more frequency than anyone else, she sets forth from the ruins.
This seems to be her irresistible rule of self-discipline.
Sometimes she herself can acknowledge this to be true.
In new love there is already the blemish that nobody sees yet,

and she can't stand a blemish.  Or one could say that she can't stand
for anyone else to share the blemishes that are on her body.
It's not entirely a question of needing to soften the contradictions,
in memory, dimly viewed old loves seem a little bit nicer.

There's no point to brainwashing. When the crotch has been washed,
that means that the washing is thorough. She knows that in this world
there are those who think with their crotch. She'll aim a little higher next time,
and maybe from far afield, she'll be able to see the tail of this poem.


When looking at something, you must first turn your head
and that's her. If the gaze is direct
she will be jumpier than a dog in an earthquake.
There's no way to look at the world that's prettier than a single cat.

Sometimes she cannot suppress comparisons between people and dogs.
She treats cats in a much more serious way than she does dogs.
Once she convinced herself that she would love a person as much as cats.
Her conclusion was that loving something is more difficult than all math.

She will not have the suffering of her soul restrained,
among the objects that are her enemies are the university, subways, and TV.
The wild beasts in the TV can spring from the screen, lick her eyebrows and earrings.
This type of thing seems to have happened repeatedly, unceasingly.

So everything with which she comes into contact
finally becomes something to be overcome.
She has special sensitivity to her surroundings. She changes them constantly –
if she stays in a place too long, people become ruins.

So, with more frequency than anyone else, she sets forth from the ruins.
This seems to be her irresistible rule of self-discipline.
Sometimes she herself can acknowledge this to be true.
In new love there is already the blemish that nobody sees yet,

and she can't stand a blemish.  Or one could say that she can't stand
for anyone else to share the blemishes that are on her body.
It's not entirely a question of needing to soften the contradictions,
in memory, dimly viewed old loves seem a little bit nicer.

There's no point to brainwashing. When the crotch has been washed,
that means that the washing is thorough. She knows that in this world
there are those who think with their crotch. She'll aim a little higher next time,
and maybe from far afield, she'll be able to see the tail of this poem.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère