Zang Di
The Tibetan girls I saw when I was youngat a Sichuan Fair, far and remote,
have grown into beautiful women in your poems.
You write as if the world can do nothing about them.
Or, you write as if time can do nothing about them.
If you don’t write poetry, you can not recognize in you
the highest king of the snow kingdom.
Beautiful women are gods, of course.
There is no other way to begin than from the beginning.
This is different from whether God is foolish or not.
The women are their own gods but they don’t know about it.
Or, they are their own gods –
far less fair than – they are our gods.
1987, I was 23, getting dumped was like an avalanche.
You have been 23, the difference is that
I have survived while you were murdered.
And we are separated by two hundred years of solitude.
Over the years, I approach you in a way
like walking in your poetry
to walk back to myself quietly. 1989, I was 25,
you were 22, the shadow of the red religion was bluer
than the blue water of Lhasa.
1996, I was 32, you were 19,
how can a voice be only independent in snow-capped mountains.
2005, I was 41 and you were 17,
once a rebellious spirit jammed with gems, the moon
became the back door to any place we wanted to enter.
2014, I am 50 and you are 15, as simple as that.
But how can your ambivalence,
stripped off the young shell, be my secret only?
From: The Root of wisdom: poems by Zang Di
Publisher: Zephyr Press, , 2017
Publisher: Zephyr Press, , 2017
De Tibetaanse meisjes die ik toen ik klein waszag op een verre markt in Sichuan, zijn in jouw gedichten
uitgegroeid tot mooie jongedames.
Toen jij poëzie schreef leek de wereld niets met hen aan te kunnen.
Of, toen jij schreef, leek de tijd niets met hen aan te kunnen.
Stel dat je niet had geschreven, dan was je niet in staat geweest om jezelf
te identificeren als de grootste koning van de sneeuwgebieden.
Mooie vrouwen zijn natuurlijk goden,
zonder dat beginpunt zouden we onze oorsprong niet kennen.
Dat is niet hetzelfde als de vraag of god stom is of niet.
Vrouwen zijn hun eigen goden, maar dat weten ze niet.
Of, vrouwen zijn hun eigen goden
maar onze goden zijn ze verre van.
1987, een verloren liefde was als een sneeuwlawine, ik was 23
jij ook, het verschil was alleen
dat ik het heb overleefd, maar jij werd vermoord.
En tussen ons liggen tweehonderd jaren eenzaamheid.
Al vele jaren lijkt de manier waarop ik met jou in contact ben
alsof ik langs jouw poëzietijd
heimelijk naar mezelf terugkeer. 1989, ik was 25
jij 22, de schaduw van de rode leer was blauwer dan de meren bij Lhasa,
1996, ik was 32, jij 19,
hoe kan de stem van het hart alleen onafhankelijk zijn op imposante sneeuwbergen.
2005, ik was 41, jij 17;
ooit stonden achterhoofdsbeen en parels naast elkaar, de maan
was de achterdeur van iedere plek die we wilden binnengaan.
2014, ik ben 50, jij 15;
dat is het dan, de schalen van de jeugd afgepeld,
hoe kan jouw tegenstrijdigheid alleen mijn geheim zijn?
© 2014, Zang Di
Poems of Zang Di
The Tibetan girls I saw when I was youngat a Sichuan Fair, far and remote,
have grown into beautiful women in your poems.
You write as if the world can do nothing about them.
Or, you write as if time can do nothing about them.
If you don’t write poetry, you can not recognize in you
the highest king of the snow kingdom.
Beautiful women are gods, of course.
There is no other way to begin than from the beginning.
This is different from whether God is foolish or not.
The women are their own gods but they don’t know about it.
Or, they are their own gods –
far less fair than – they are our gods.
1987, I was 23, getting dumped was like an avalanche.
You have been 23, the difference is that
I have survived while you were murdered.
And we are separated by two hundred years of solitude.
Over the years, I approach you in a way
like walking in your poetry
to walk back to myself quietly. 1989, I was 25,
you were 22, the shadow of the red religion was bluer
than the blue water of Lhasa.
1996, I was 32, you were 19,
how can a voice be only independent in snow-capped mountains.
2005, I was 41 and you were 17,
once a rebellious spirit jammed with gems, the moon
became the back door to any place we wanted to enter.
2014, I am 50 and you are 15, as simple as that.
But how can your ambivalence,
stripped off the young shell, be my secret only?
From: The Root of wisdom: poems by Zang Di
Publisher: 2017, Zephyr Press,
Publisher: 2017, Zephyr Press,
The Tibetan girls I saw when I was youngat a Sichuan Fair, far and remote,
have grown into beautiful women in your poems.
You write as if the world can do nothing about them.
Or, you write as if time can do nothing about them.
If you don’t write poetry, you can not recognize in you
the highest king of the snow kingdom.
Beautiful women are gods, of course.
There is no other way to begin than from the beginning.
This is different from whether God is foolish or not.
The women are their own gods but they don’t know about it.
Or, they are their own gods –
far less fair than – they are our gods.
1987, I was 23, getting dumped was like an avalanche.
You have been 23, the difference is that
I have survived while you were murdered.
And we are separated by two hundred years of solitude.
Over the years, I approach you in a way
like walking in your poetry
to walk back to myself quietly. 1989, I was 25,
you were 22, the shadow of the red religion was bluer
than the blue water of Lhasa.
1996, I was 32, you were 19,
how can a voice be only independent in snow-capped mountains.
2005, I was 41 and you were 17,
once a rebellious spirit jammed with gems, the moon
became the back door to any place we wanted to enter.
2014, I am 50 and you are 15, as simple as that.
But how can your ambivalence,
stripped off the young shell, be my secret only?
From: The Root of wisdom: poems by Zang Di
Publisher: 2017, Zephyr Press,
Publisher: 2017, Zephyr Press,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère