Aase Berg
Ivo can climb gloom-blue up through the dimensions in the girders of the highest Ferris Tower – along the beams of geometric direction toward the heavy self.The continent tips slowly into the base chasm. Is there any outer space where people can go? Here by the platform, the cathedrals are anchored with pillars in the ocean. There was oil here in the 1990s. Abandoned halls howl bell-clean empty, there is even a lack of mirage phenomena. The oil tower’s coarse drills grind in the depth. There is nothing to collect from the emptied ocean-pulse vein.
Flutter of strata between the winds of the higher skies. The spectrum of the night-glowing bow have the opposite order.
Dimensions bent from incredible distance-vertigo.
Flutter against the face of Ivo beneath my hands’ deadly calm water milk.
From: Transfer fat
Publisher: Ugly Duckling Presse, New York City, 2012
Publisher: Ugly Duckling Presse, New York City, 2012
Ivo kan donkerblauw klauteren door de dimensies in het balkstaal van de hoogste Ferristoren – langs stangen van geometrische richting naar het zware zelf.Het continent kantelt langzaam de afgrond in. Zou er een kosmische ruimte zijn voor de mens om heen te gaan? Hier bij het platform zijn de kathedralen met pilaren verankerd in zee. In de jaren 1990 was hier olie. Verlaten ruimten gieren klokgaaf leeg en er blijkt hier zelfs een tekort aan luchtspiegelingsfenomenen. De lompe boren van de olietorens malen in de diepte. Er is daar niets te halen in de geleegde zeepolsader.
Het dartelen van lagen tussen de winden in hogere regionen. Wolken in de nachtglanzende boog hebben in het spectrum een tegengestelde volgorde.
Dimensies gebogen onder ongehoorde afstandsduizeling.
Het dartelen tegen het gezicht van Ivo onder de dodelijk kalme watermelk van mijn handen.
Uppåt dimensionerna kan Ivo klättra dunkelblå i högsta ferristornets skenor – utmed stängerna av geometrisk riktning mot det tunga självet.Kontinenten tippar långsamt utför sockelstupet. Kan det finnas yttre rum att människan ta vägen? Här vid plattformen förankras katedralerna med pelare i havet. Det fanns olja här på 1990-talet. Övergivna salar ylar klockrent tomma, här är även brist på hägringsfenomen. Oljetornens grova borrar mal i djupet. Där finns ingenting att hämta i den tömda havspulsådern.
Spel av lager mellan högre skyars vindar. Moln i nattlysande bågen har i spektrum motsatt ordning.
Dimensioner krökta under oerhörda avstånds svindel.
Spel mot ansiktet av Ivo under mina händers dödligt lugna vattenmjölk.
From: Mörk Materia
Publisher: Bonnier, Stockholm
Publisher: Bonnier, Stockholm
Poems of Aase Berg
Ivo can climb gloom-blue up through the dimensions in the girders of the highest Ferris Tower – along the beams of geometric direction toward the heavy self.The continent tips slowly into the base chasm. Is there any outer space where people can go? Here by the platform, the cathedrals are anchored with pillars in the ocean. There was oil here in the 1990s. Abandoned halls howl bell-clean empty, there is even a lack of mirage phenomena. The oil tower’s coarse drills grind in the depth. There is nothing to collect from the emptied ocean-pulse vein.
Flutter of strata between the winds of the higher skies. The spectrum of the night-glowing bow have the opposite order.
Dimensions bent from incredible distance-vertigo.
Flutter against the face of Ivo beneath my hands’ deadly calm water milk.
From: Transfer fat
Publisher: 2012, Ugly Duckling Presse, New York City
Publisher: 2012, Ugly Duckling Presse, New York City
Ivo can climb gloom-blue up through the dimensions in the girders of the highest Ferris Tower – along the beams of geometric direction toward the heavy self.The continent tips slowly into the base chasm. Is there any outer space where people can go? Here by the platform, the cathedrals are anchored with pillars in the ocean. There was oil here in the 1990s. Abandoned halls howl bell-clean empty, there is even a lack of mirage phenomena. The oil tower’s coarse drills grind in the depth. There is nothing to collect from the emptied ocean-pulse vein.
Flutter of strata between the winds of the higher skies. The spectrum of the night-glowing bow have the opposite order.
Dimensions bent from incredible distance-vertigo.
Flutter against the face of Ivo beneath my hands’ deadly calm water milk.
From: Transfer fat
Publisher: 2012, Ugly Duckling Presse, New York City
Publisher: 2012, Ugly Duckling Presse, New York City

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère