Poetry International Poetry International

Ester Naomi Perquin


Heard today how even as children
they often longed for a town,
built towers along a muddy path
from what was strewn in yards, on ditch banks.
Not one had thought of grimy then,
of vastness all-too-grey in which
we lost tracks, walls
in which no hand yet cleared a view.
No one had yet pressed austere creases
into fronts of commercial leases.
All was still made of water and sand.
So low was the land that dreams
must reach high, the horizon had emptied away –
they stood and watched till the start of their day.



Vandaag gehoord hoe zij als kinderen
vaak al verlangden naar een stad,
langs een modderig pad torens bouwden
van wat aan erf of slootkant lag.
Niet één heeft toen aan grijs gedacht,
aan al te grauwe grootte waarin
wij sporen bijster raakten, muren
waarin geen hand nog uitzicht maakte.
Niemand perste strenge vouwen
in gevels van kantoorgebouwen.
Alles bestond nog uit water en zand.
Zo laag was het land dat dromen
hoog moesten reiken, zo leeg de horizon
̶  ze bleven kijken tot hun dag begon.


Heard today how even as children
they often longed for a town,
built towers along a muddy path
from what was strewn in yards, on ditch banks.
Not one had thought of grimy then,
of vastness all-too-grey in which
we lost tracks, walls
in which no hand yet cleared a view.
No one had yet pressed austere creases
into fronts of commercial leases.
All was still made of water and sand.
So low was the land that dreams
must reach high, the horizon had emptied away –
they stood and watched till the start of their day.


Heard today how even as children
they often longed for a town,
built towers along a muddy path
from what was strewn in yards, on ditch banks.
Not one had thought of grimy then,
of vastness all-too-grey in which
we lost tracks, walls
in which no hand yet cleared a view.
No one had yet pressed austere creases
into fronts of commercial leases.
All was still made of water and sand.
So low was the land that dreams
must reach high, the horizon had emptied away –
they stood and watched till the start of their day.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère