Ester Naomi Perquin
Lots of things are well beyond me but what I havemastered, you see here, I spend a lot of time this way.
You’re still young, maybe you think, meaningless
commotion, but a single ant lives a life
of incredible intensity.
It’s just that I like to watch and follow their comings and goings
with my magnifying glass, learning to read their signs,
they don’t realise, I know that too, they grow, they carry,
they search for food but still, they notice me growing softer.
I used to leave them to struggle, that’s too much for me now.
Occasionally I even sprinkle sugar down on them
to top up their supplies. I used to play science,
now I play God.
Sometimes I dream I stand up in the sunlight
of the room, which I then catch, aim. So bright,
it even shocks me. And quick.
They are so quick to be destroyed.
© Translation: 2013, David Colmer
Van heel veel dingen heb ik geen verstand maar wat ik welonder de knie gekregen heb dat ziet u hier, ik breng zo
heel wat uren door. U bent nog jong, u denkt misschien
gewoel dat niets te zeggen heeft maar één enkele mier
leeft ongelooflijk hevig.
Het is gewoon dat ik graag kijk en met mijn loep hun gangen na ga,
hun tekens leer lezen, daar weten zij niets van, dat snap ik ook,
ze groeien, ze dragen, ze zoeken naar eten maar toch,
ze merken dat ik zachter word, gestaag.
Vroeger liet ik ze hun worstelingen, nu lukt dat me niet meer.
Af en toe strooi ik zelfs suiker naar beneden,
vul hun voorraad aan. Vroeger speelde ik mijn wetenschap
en nu speel ik voor God.
Soms droom ik dat ik opsta in het zonlicht van de kamer,
dat ik dan opvang, bundel, richt. Zo fel, daar
schrik ik zelf nog van. En snel.
Ze gaan zo snel kapot.
© 2011, Ester Naomi Perquin
From: Aftocht
Publisher: Stichting Jo Peters Poëzieprijs, Utrecht
From: Aftocht
Publisher: Stichting Jo Peters Poëzieprijs, Utrecht
Poems of Ester Naomi Perquin
Lots of things are well beyond me but what I havemastered, you see here, I spend a lot of time this way.
You’re still young, maybe you think, meaningless
commotion, but a single ant lives a life
of incredible intensity.
It’s just that I like to watch and follow their comings and goings
with my magnifying glass, learning to read their signs,
they don’t realise, I know that too, they grow, they carry,
they search for food but still, they notice me growing softer.
I used to leave them to struggle, that’s too much for me now.
Occasionally I even sprinkle sugar down on them
to top up their supplies. I used to play science,
now I play God.
Sometimes I dream I stand up in the sunlight
of the room, which I then catch, aim. So bright,
it even shocks me. And quick.
They are so quick to be destroyed.
© 2013, David Colmer
From: Aftocht
From: Aftocht
Lots of things are well beyond me but what I havemastered, you see here, I spend a lot of time this way.
You’re still young, maybe you think, meaningless
commotion, but a single ant lives a life
of incredible intensity.
It’s just that I like to watch and follow their comings and goings
with my magnifying glass, learning to read their signs,
they don’t realise, I know that too, they grow, they carry,
they search for food but still, they notice me growing softer.
I used to leave them to struggle, that’s too much for me now.
Occasionally I even sprinkle sugar down on them
to top up their supplies. I used to play science,
now I play God.
Sometimes I dream I stand up in the sunlight
of the room, which I then catch, aim. So bright,
it even shocks me. And quick.
They are so quick to be destroyed.
© 2013, David Colmer

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère