Poetry International Poetry International

Ester Naomi Perquin


Do you like to rest during the day and at night make a man happy?
Do you feel depressed at the sight of lavender?
Have you ever thought of a hotel?
Delete: I am not a woman/I am a stupid woman.
In recent years I have felt regret at least
six times. What tends stick to my fingertips
is: gold leaf, paint, tomato juice.
You fit into a suitcase. If you do not fit into a suitcase
how would you describe yourself? How long have you
had weight problems? How often?
If you jump off a bridge, will you still try:
A)           to pinpoint yourself on a map
B)           to drift further and further off
C)           to turn back halfway
Suppose your illness were an animal. If you’re healthy the question
counts double. What animal would you rather your illness were not?
N.B.: the bad days must be counted too.
Are you more frightened of the outcome than before?
State whose questions these are, according to you.



Wilt u rusten overdag en ’s nachts een man gelukkig maken?
Voelt u zich neerslachtig bij het idee van lavendel?
Heeft u wel eens een hotel bedacht?
Haal door: ik ben geen vrouw / ik ben een domme vrouw.
Ik heb in de afgelopen jaren minimaal zes keer
spijt gehad. Aan mijn vingertoppen kleeft
bij voorkeur: bladgoud, verf, tomatensap.
U past in een koffer. Als u niet in een koffer past
hoe zou u uzelf dan omschrijven? Hoe lang
heeft u last van overgewicht? Hoe vaak?
Als u van een brug springt zult u toch proberen:
A)           uzelf aan te wijzen op een kaart
B)           steeds verder weg te drijven
C)           halverwege om te keren
Stel, uw ziekte is een dier. Bij gezondheid telt de vraag
voor twee. Welk dier is uw ziekte bij voorkeur niet?
Let op: de slechte dagen dienen meegeteld.
Bent u banger voor de uitslag dan voorheen?
Schrijf op wie volgens u de vragen stelt.


Do you like to rest during the day and at night make a man happy?
Do you feel depressed at the sight of lavender?
Have you ever thought of a hotel?
Delete: I am not a woman/I am a stupid woman.
In recent years I have felt regret at least
six times. What tends stick to my fingertips
is: gold leaf, paint, tomato juice.
You fit into a suitcase. If you do not fit into a suitcase
how would you describe yourself? How long have you
had weight problems? How often?
If you jump off a bridge, will you still try:
A)           to pinpoint yourself on a map
B)           to drift further and further off
C)           to turn back halfway
Suppose your illness were an animal. If you’re healthy the question
counts double. What animal would you rather your illness were not?
N.B.: the bad days must be counted too.
Are you more frightened of the outcome than before?
State whose questions these are, according to you.


Do you like to rest during the day and at night make a man happy?
Do you feel depressed at the sight of lavender?
Have you ever thought of a hotel?
Delete: I am not a woman/I am a stupid woman.
In recent years I have felt regret at least
six times. What tends stick to my fingertips
is: gold leaf, paint, tomato juice.
You fit into a suitcase. If you do not fit into a suitcase
how would you describe yourself? How long have you
had weight problems? How often?
If you jump off a bridge, will you still try:
A)           to pinpoint yourself on a map
B)           to drift further and further off
C)           to turn back halfway
Suppose your illness were an animal. If you’re healthy the question
counts double. What animal would you rather your illness were not?
N.B.: the bad days must be counted too.
Are you more frightened of the outcome than before?
State whose questions these are, according to you.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère