Poetry International Poetry International

Erik Spinoy

On rubber wheels the door of this

On rubber wheels the door of this
cocoon-shaped space slides shut

and then all other sound disappears.

While one gazes at the sun-bleached shoe tip
on a stainless steel latticework
on top of inches of sand

and at the three-dimensional mosaic
of tarmac-coloured polymer foam on
walls of yet more sand and MDF and glass wool

there’s no noise in this soundproof room that
pounds like your bloodstream,

but the denial bearing it all:

a flood line that divides the thoughtless murmur

from the marram grass that always sings
with significance.

Op rubberen wielen schuift de deur

Op rubberen wielen schuift de deur
van deze coconachtige ruimte dicht

en al het andere geluid verdwijnt.

Terwijl men naar de zoutgebleekte schoenpunt kijkt
boven een roestvrijstalen traliewerk
op centimeters zand

en naar de driedimensionale mozaïek
van asfaltkleurig polymeerschuim op
de wanden van meer zand en MDF en glaswol

klinkt in deze dode kamer bonzend
als uw bloedstroom niets

dan de ontkenning die het alles draagt:

een vloedlijn die gedachteloos ruisen scheidt

van helmgras zingend altijd
van betekenis.

On rubber wheels the door of this

On rubber wheels the door of this
cocoon-shaped space slides shut

and then all other sound disappears.

While one gazes at the sun-bleached shoe tip
on a stainless steel latticework
on top of inches of sand

and at the three-dimensional mosaic
of tarmac-coloured polymer foam on
walls of yet more sand and MDF and glass wool

there’s no noise in this soundproof room that
pounds like your bloodstream,

but the denial bearing it all:

a flood line that divides the thoughtless murmur

from the marram grass that always sings
with significance.

On rubber wheels the door of this

On rubber wheels the door of this
cocoon-shaped space slides shut

and then all other sound disappears.

While one gazes at the sun-bleached shoe tip
on a stainless steel latticework
on top of inches of sand

and at the three-dimensional mosaic
of tarmac-coloured polymer foam on
walls of yet more sand and MDF and glass wool

there’s no noise in this soundproof room that
pounds like your bloodstream,

but the denial bearing it all:

a flood line that divides the thoughtless murmur

from the marram grass that always sings
with significance.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère