Poetry International Poetry International

Erik Spinoy


after photo
after photo
after photo

of the face
that is no more
a face

a dizzyingly long exam
with lens and scalpel
at a bloodied wounded knee

so I gorge myself (as the
poet once wrote) at the feast
of bone and muscle and skin.

But can I help it?

It’s rooted in my blood
comes from my dad and his
dad yet is not what he
in his loving kindness
that dear dad in often
rosy dreams saw mapped out
for his darling.

Talent or aptitude?
A case, rather, typical
of a blessing
changing into curse.


na foto
na foto
na foto

van het gezicht
dat geen gezicht
meer is

een duizelingwekkend lange zit
met loep en scalpel
bij een bloederige knie

zo schrans ik (zoals eens
de dichter schreef) op het feest
van bot en spier en pees.

Kan ik het helpen soms?

Het zit me in het bloed
komt van mijn pa en die
zijn pa maar is toch niet
wat in zijn goedertierenheid
die lieve paps vaak rozig
dromend voor zijn schat
zag weggelegd.

Talent of aanleg?
Een geval veeleer, typerend
van een zegen die
in vloek veranderd is.


after photo
after photo
after photo

of the face
that is no more
a face

a dizzyingly long exam
with lens and scalpel
at a bloodied wounded knee

so I gorge myself (as the
poet once wrote) at the feast
of bone and muscle and skin.

But can I help it?

It’s rooted in my blood
comes from my dad and his
dad yet is not what he
in his loving kindness
that dear dad in often
rosy dreams saw mapped out
for his darling.

Talent or aptitude?
A case, rather, typical
of a blessing
changing into curse.


after photo
after photo
after photo

of the face
that is no more
a face

a dizzyingly long exam
with lens and scalpel
at a bloodied wounded knee

so I gorge myself (as the
poet once wrote) at the feast
of bone and muscle and skin.

But can I help it?

It’s rooted in my blood
comes from my dad and his
dad yet is not what he
in his loving kindness
that dear dad in often
rosy dreams saw mapped out
for his darling.

Talent or aptitude?
A case, rather, typical
of a blessing
changing into curse.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère