Poetry International Poetry International

Erik Spinoy

The pearly white morning hasn’t broken

The pearly white morning hasn’t broken.

Cut from the dark that stands in all the doorways
she is and she is there

for him alone.

For one day dreamt away in this city she took

the long flight back from overseas and now
sits at the table here: so whole and shiny, lilac
garland on her neck and speaking

only with her face while he is talking,
which is actually what makes them possible at all.

On such a night the rains pelts down

as if the heavens were in desperate
need of relief.

De hagelwitte ochtend breekt niet aan

De hagelwitte ochtend breekt niet aan.

Uit zwart gesneden dat in alle deuren staat
is zij en is zij daar

voor hem alleen.

Om één verdroomde dag in deze stad nam zij

van overzee de lange vlucht terug en zit
aan tafel hier: zo vol en glanzend, lila
bloemkroon om de hals en sprekend

met het gezicht alleen terwijl hij praat
en hen daardoor eerst mogelijk maakt.

In zo een nacht slaat regen neer

alsof een zwerk in nood zich
hopeloos bevrijden moest.

The pearly white morning hasn’t broken

The pearly white morning hasn’t broken.

Cut from the dark that stands in all the doorways
she is and she is there

for him alone.

For one day dreamt away in this city she took

the long flight back from overseas and now
sits at the table here: so whole and shiny, lilac
garland on her neck and speaking

only with her face while he is talking,
which is actually what makes them possible at all.

On such a night the rains pelts down

as if the heavens were in desperate
need of relief.

The pearly white morning hasn’t broken

The pearly white morning hasn’t broken.

Cut from the dark that stands in all the doorways
she is and she is there

for him alone.

For one day dreamt away in this city she took

the long flight back from overseas and now
sits at the table here: so whole and shiny, lilac
garland on her neck and speaking

only with her face while he is talking,
which is actually what makes them possible at all.

On such a night the rains pelts down

as if the heavens were in desperate
need of relief.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère