Poetry International Poetry International

Erik Spinoy

That evening there were salsa sounds

That evening there were salsa sounds
from every bar.

We ate chicken and salted potatoes
we drank beer and white rum
that tasted sweet as water

and next to us appearing from a woolly hat
a countenance more tanned than
and wrinkled as a walnut.

After, we were tired beyond compare
we spent the night in a bare convent

and suddenly it was no longer seven degrees
and she, the Malay girl, did not stop shivering.

A kettle of hot tea was brewed.
She wore your sailor-blue sweater.

Die avond klonk er salsa op

Die avond klonk er salsa op
uit elke bar.

We aten kip en zoute aardappel
we dronken bier en witte rum
die zoet als water was

en naast ons stak er uit een muts
een aangezicht nog bruiner dan
en rimpelig als een walnoot.

We waren peilloos moe nadien
we sliepen in een kaal convent

en plots was het geen zeven graden meer
en hield zij, de Maleise, niet met rillen op.

Er werd een ketel hete thee gezet.
Ze droeg je zeemansblauwe trui.

That evening there were salsa sounds

That evening there were salsa sounds
from every bar.

We ate chicken and salted potatoes
we drank beer and white rum
that tasted sweet as water

and next to us appearing from a woolly hat
a countenance more tanned than
and wrinkled as a walnut.

After, we were tired beyond compare
we spent the night in a bare convent

and suddenly it was no longer seven degrees
and she, the Malay girl, did not stop shivering.

A kettle of hot tea was brewed.
She wore your sailor-blue sweater.

That evening there were salsa sounds

That evening there were salsa sounds
from every bar.

We ate chicken and salted potatoes
we drank beer and white rum
that tasted sweet as water

and next to us appearing from a woolly hat
a countenance more tanned than
and wrinkled as a walnut.

After, we were tired beyond compare
we spent the night in a bare convent

and suddenly it was no longer seven degrees
and she, the Malay girl, did not stop shivering.

A kettle of hot tea was brewed.
She wore your sailor-blue sweater.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère