Poetry International Poetry International

Marc Kregting

– Bzzzz! What was that?

– Bzzzz! What was that? It could be
it is you yourself (what about love
and truth?). Day labourers know all
about endless motioning the peal,
the crops. Little they can too, their
pommel merely marries to attune
self-contained purpose. Have you
been driven from your home; there is
and is still the excited music box. You
standing amid the grain of sun-eyed
sabres, minus your you. Tombtome,
drone the buzz. The aim is that you
hold down a mendicant. When more
more flies than the other? Presently
dew has been mashed again; desire your
devotion that isn’t. Welt a bit of month
to your bark according to which one
counts his deepest hut. In your madiwodo,
have a look. You want to die? Fine.
Go on. Be my guest. What’s stopping
you, darned unbodied. Regard troubled
eye, best not disown your diligence –

– Zoem! Wat was dat? Het kan dat je

– Zoem! Wat was dat? Het kan dat je
dat zelf zou zijn (en de liefde dan en
de waarheid?). Dagloners kennen wel
van het oneindige bewegen de galm,
het misgewas. Weinig kunnen ze met
mee, hun zadelknop trouwt om af te
stemmen eenzelvig nut. Ben je dan
verdreven van je woning, er is en is
steeds de opgewonden muziekdoos.
Sta je tussen het graan van zonogige
sabels, zonder je je. Kloekboek, dar
de buzz. Het is de opzet dat je op een
termijnbroeder blijft. Wanneer meer
vliegt het andere? Thans is weerom
dauw geprakt, begeer je toewijding
die niet is. Striemt aan je bast enige
maand volgens welke men telt zijn
diepste hut. Op je madiwodo, kijk
eens eventjes. Wil je dood? Dat mag
best. Gerust. Toe dan. Wat let je zo
te gaan, gestopt ontlijfd. Zie troebel
oog, misken je dienstijver maar niet –

– Bzzzz! What was that?

– Bzzzz! What was that? It could be
it is you yourself (what about love
and truth?). Day labourers know all
about endless motioning the peal,
the crops. Little they can too, their
pommel merely marries to attune
self-contained purpose. Have you
been driven from your home; there is
and is still the excited music box. You
standing amid the grain of sun-eyed
sabres, minus your you. Tombtome,
drone the buzz. The aim is that you
hold down a mendicant. When more
more flies than the other? Presently
dew has been mashed again; desire your
devotion that isn’t. Welt a bit of month
to your bark according to which one
counts his deepest hut. In your madiwodo,
have a look. You want to die? Fine.
Go on. Be my guest. What’s stopping
you, darned unbodied. Regard troubled
eye, best not disown your diligence –

– Bzzzz! What was that?

– Bzzzz! What was that? It could be
it is you yourself (what about love
and truth?). Day labourers know all
about endless motioning the peal,
the crops. Little they can too, their
pommel merely marries to attune
self-contained purpose. Have you
been driven from your home; there is
and is still the excited music box. You
standing amid the grain of sun-eyed
sabres, minus your you. Tombtome,
drone the buzz. The aim is that you
hold down a mendicant. When more
more flies than the other? Presently
dew has been mashed again; desire your
devotion that isn’t. Welt a bit of month
to your bark according to which one
counts his deepest hut. In your madiwodo,
have a look. You want to die? Fine.
Go on. Be my guest. What’s stopping
you, darned unbodied. Regard troubled
eye, best not disown your diligence –
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère