Poetry International Poetry International

Marc Kregting

O fatal laws of attraction

O fatal laws of attraction. Would Melvin have
unshaken her in him at his mum’s comeback?
Hear post-haste ‘Grab my wheelchair’ and all
the dames go out of their minds again. Aren’t
you wrapping the heart in death as it were?
The exit frays, is blocked by words. So you must
be in the mood for a free detail? There is and is
cattle. The thermos lisps, understands every deceit
(‘current account herds the symbolic into holy-
water font’). Or do you once again not get what
someone can remember? Fighting prays shooting.
And if there is pain bordering your hair, you just
tie your laces. How else can you distil something
from your thoughts if it is part of it? With magic?

O fatale aantrekkingskracht. Zou Melvin haar

O fatale aantrekkingskracht. Zou Melvin haar
nog in zich hebben ongeschokt, bij zijn moers
comeback? Hoor ijlings ‘Grab my wheelchair’
en alle vrouwtjes worden weer helemaal gek.
Wikkel je als het ware geen dood om het hart?
Exit rafelt, wordt door woorden geblokkeerd.
Dan heb je zeker zin in een vrij weetje? Er is
en is vee. De thermoskan lispelt, verstaat elk
bedrog (‘zichtrekening drijft symbolieken in
wijwatervat’). Of snap je andermaal niets wat
iemand onthouden kan? Strijden bidt schieten.
En mocht er pijn grenzen aan je haar, strik je
je veters. Hoe anders wil je uit je gedachten iets
halen als het er deel van is? Door tovermacht?

O fatal laws of attraction

O fatal laws of attraction. Would Melvin have
unshaken her in him at his mum’s comeback?
Hear post-haste ‘Grab my wheelchair’ and all
the dames go out of their minds again. Aren’t
you wrapping the heart in death as it were?
The exit frays, is blocked by words. So you must
be in the mood for a free detail? There is and is
cattle. The thermos lisps, understands every deceit
(‘current account herds the symbolic into holy-
water font’). Or do you once again not get what
someone can remember? Fighting prays shooting.
And if there is pain bordering your hair, you just
tie your laces. How else can you distil something
from your thoughts if it is part of it? With magic?

O fatal laws of attraction

O fatal laws of attraction. Would Melvin have
unshaken her in him at his mum’s comeback?
Hear post-haste ‘Grab my wheelchair’ and all
the dames go out of their minds again. Aren’t
you wrapping the heart in death as it were?
The exit frays, is blocked by words. So you must
be in the mood for a free detail? There is and is
cattle. The thermos lisps, understands every deceit
(‘current account herds the symbolic into holy-
water font’). Or do you once again not get what
someone can remember? Fighting prays shooting.
And if there is pain bordering your hair, you just
tie your laces. How else can you distil something
from your thoughts if it is part of it? With magic?
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère