Poetry International Poetry International

Erik Spinoy

Amidst the concrete towers

Amidst the concrete towers

a camp of tents grew up
where bag
black bag was brought in.

Behind the zips lay
molars or a trunk
splintered bone or
scraps mostly
of other tissues.

A wind of ash raged there
which risen out of searing hell
swirled slow round iron beams
and over chunks hills of rubble
where rescue teams and high
tower cranes dead
nervous maggots were only
brightly coloured ants.

The unparalleled work
I saw
by those my
fellow men – deeply

disturbed heroes who
push the hand of nature

and just keep
on going.

Te midden van betonnen torens

Te midden van betonnen torens
was versneld

een tentenkamp gegroeid
waar zwarte zak
na zak
naar binnen werd gebracht.

Onder de ritsen zaten
kiezen of een romp
een botfragment of
flarden het meest
van andere vezels.

Een wind woei er van as
die uit een hete hel gerezen
traag om stalen balken draaide
en om de brokken bergen puin
waar reddingsteams en hoge
torenkranen doodnerveuze
maden enkel
bontgekleurde mieren waren.

Het ongeëvenaarde werk
zag ik
van hen mijn
evennaasten – diep

gestoorde helden die
de hand van de natuur
opzij slaan

en maar blijven

Amidst the concrete towers

Amidst the concrete towers

a camp of tents grew up
where bag
black bag was brought in.

Behind the zips lay
molars or a trunk
splintered bone or
scraps mostly
of other tissues.

A wind of ash raged there
which risen out of searing hell
swirled slow round iron beams
and over chunks hills of rubble
where rescue teams and high
tower cranes dead
nervous maggots were only
brightly coloured ants.

The unparalleled work
I saw
by those my
fellow men – deeply

disturbed heroes who
push the hand of nature

and just keep
on going.

Amidst the concrete towers

Amidst the concrete towers

a camp of tents grew up
where bag
black bag was brought in.

Behind the zips lay
molars or a trunk
splintered bone or
scraps mostly
of other tissues.

A wind of ash raged there
which risen out of searing hell
swirled slow round iron beams
and over chunks hills of rubble
where rescue teams and high
tower cranes dead
nervous maggots were only
brightly coloured ants.

The unparalleled work
I saw
by those my
fellow men – deeply

disturbed heroes who
push the hand of nature

and just keep
on going.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère