Poetry International Poetry International

Fredy Chicangana


A word from grandfather — do not follow that grey bird
for it is a spirit and it takes you to the precipice,
it is a bird of death.
A word from grandmother — do not play with fire
for it makes you wet the bed,
it is cold within the body.
A word from taita — heed your grandfather,
you must pay to hunt.
A word from mama — heed your grandmother,
you must pay to play with fire.
A word from the grey bird — the grandfather of ill omen
is a distrustful man.
A word from the fire — the grandmother of ill omen
is an evil-minded woman.
A word from my heart — you are welcome mystery,
inspirit this song.



Palabra de abuelo — no sigas a ese pájaro gris —,
que es espíritu y lleva al despeñadero,
es pájaro de muerte.
Palabra de abuela —no juegues con fuego —,
que hace orinar en cama,
es frió dentro de cuerpo.
Palabra de Taita — haz caso al abuelo —,
hay que pagar para cazar.
Palabra de mamita — haz caso a la abuela —,
hay que pagar para jugar con el fuego.
Palabra de pájaro gris — abuelo de mal agüero —,
es hombre desconfiado.
Palabra de fuego — abuela de mal presagio —,
es mujer maliciosa.
Palabra de mi corazón — bienvenido el misterio —,
alienta este canto.


A word from grandfather — do not follow that grey bird
for it is a spirit and it takes you to the precipice,
it is a bird of death.
A word from grandmother — do not play with fire
for it makes you wet the bed,
it is cold within the body.
A word from taita — heed your grandfather,
you must pay to hunt.
A word from mama — heed your grandmother,
you must pay to play with fire.
A word from the grey bird — the grandfather of ill omen
is a distrustful man.
A word from the fire — the grandmother of ill omen
is an evil-minded woman.
A word from my heart — you are welcome mystery,
inspirit this song.


A word from grandfather — do not follow that grey bird
for it is a spirit and it takes you to the precipice,
it is a bird of death.
A word from grandmother — do not play with fire
for it makes you wet the bed,
it is cold within the body.
A word from taita — heed your grandfather,
you must pay to hunt.
A word from mama — heed your grandmother,
you must pay to play with fire.
A word from the grey bird — the grandfather of ill omen
is a distrustful man.
A word from the fire — the grandmother of ill omen
is an evil-minded woman.
A word from my heart — you are welcome mystery,
inspirit this song.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère