Poetry International Poetry International

Milo De Angelis

No gloria in excelsis, but a nervous

No gloria in excelsis, but a nervous
tangle, a scraping of sounds and eyes
staring downwards, that nothingness
that freezes thought, that trembling
of lightbulbs and needles, something
that imprisons itself where it screams. The face
was already touching its ground, viewing the pale
flow of phenomena
                                        oh, sleep, I said, sleep
and yet I was with you
and you were not with me.

No gloria in excelsis, but a nervous

Nessun gloria in excelsis, ma un groviglio
nervoso, un raschiare di suoni e occhi
fissi all’ingiù, quel niente
che tiene freddo il pensiero, quel tremito
di lampadine e aghi, qualcosa
che si incarcera dove grida. Il viso
toccava già la sua terra, vedeva lo scorrere
pallido dei fenomeni 
                                      oh dormi, dissi, dormi
eppure io ero con te
e tu non eri con me.

Milo De Angelis

Milo De Angelis

(Italië, 1951)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Italië

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Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Italiaans

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No gloria in excelsis, but a nervous

Nessun gloria in excelsis, ma un groviglio
nervoso, un raschiare di suoni e occhi
fissi all’ingiù, quel niente
che tiene freddo il pensiero, quel tremito
di lampadine e aghi, qualcosa
che si incarcera dove grida. Il viso
toccava già la sua terra, vedeva lo scorrere
pallido dei fenomeni 
                                      oh dormi, dissi, dormi
eppure io ero con te
e tu non eri con me.

No gloria in excelsis, but a nervous

No gloria in excelsis, but a nervous
tangle, a scraping of sounds and eyes
staring downwards, that nothingness
that freezes thought, that trembling
of lightbulbs and needles, something
that imprisons itself where it screams. The face
was already touching its ground, viewing the pale
flow of phenomena
                                        oh, sleep, I said, sleep
and yet I was with you
and you were not with me.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère