Poetry International Poetry International

Nicolae Coande

Nicolae Coande

Nicolae Coande

(Romania, 1962)

“I consider myself merely a poet-reader on the tracks of other poets”, says Romanian writer Nicolae Coande, citing Roberto Bolano: “… in order to find a poet you need the help of another poet”. And, Coande continues, in a statement to the Viennese Q21 artist-in-residence program, “the help of a reader, […] with sympathy for these people, men and women, for whom poetry is indeed what H.M. Enzensberger once called 'the only form of literature which is preserved in the mind, today as thousands of years ago’”.

The author of nine books of poems and four collections of essays, Coande’s work has been included in the anthologies Gefährliche Serpentinen – Rumänische Lyrik der Gegenwart (Druckhaus Verlag, Berlin, 1998); Of Gentle Wolves (Calypso Editions, New York, 2011); and The Vanishing Point that Whistles (Talisman Press, USA, 2011).

Coande lives in Craiova, in southern Romania, where he regularly hosts widely covered literary readings and poetry events. A member of the Romanian Writers Union since 1996, the poet holds an MA in Philosophy from the University of Craiova and has served as dramaturge at the Martin Sorescu National Theatre in that city, and editor-in-chief of the theatre's magazine SpectActor. His work has been included in anthologies and publications in the US (Plume, Guernica, Asymptote), Belgium, Germany, Serbia, Turkey, Albania, Hungary and Slovenia.

© Radu Vancu
In English
TEXT ‘And tomorrow the sun will rise’ in Guernica

In Romanian
BIBLIOGRAPHY Complete list of publications
VIDEO The poet reading aloud at the Bucovina Village Museum
AUDIO Listen to ‘The Black Fire-Stoker’ in Romanian

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