Poetry International Poetry International

Nicolae Coande

A scrap of music in the back of my head

while I sleep dogs guard the city they burst forth together
from their narrow universe and now they dream they’re human once more
if men want to be little vicious curs, let them. nobody knows
it began today. gala gala gala the disease in my brain sleeps
I don’t glow at the moment to be humiliated later. I sleep I don’t have a heart
I cautiously hack my way through the forest of symbols as I walk
I’m a handsome man
born in Jerusalem in ’62 A.D.
a coffee-shop philosopher
non-thinking is my art
it’s in my power to rise up
to shatter the bowl
to change my voice
I’m that splendid animal that chops its head off and throws it
in the sea for the great fishes to bow to it and kiss it on the lips.
it’s cold inside the head I light a fire.
it’s like when I’d crack the ice in a woman
and embrace all her blood. I have a scrap of music in the back of my head.

un rest de muzică în ceafă

un rest de muzică în ceafă

cît dorm cîinii păzesc oraşul toți au ieşit din
micul lor univers şi-acum visează ca sînt din nou oameni
dacă oamenii vor să fie mici javre n-au decît. nimeni nu ştie
că a început azi. gala gala gala în creierul meu doarme boala
nu strălucesc ca să nu fiu umilit mai tîrziu. dorm nu am inimă
îmi tai un drum prin pădurea de simboluri atent cînd merg pe jos
sînt un bărbat frumos
născut în ’62 la Ierusalim după Cristos

                                                     sînt un filozof de cafenea
                                                     non-gîndirea este arta mea
                                                     stă în puterea mea să mă ridic
să sparg vasul
să-mi schimb vocea

eu sînt acel animal splendid care-şi taie capul îl aruncă
în mare la peştii cei mari care i se-nchină şi-l sărută pe gură
e frig în cap aprind focul.
e ca şi cînd aş sparge gheaţă-ntr-o femeie
şi aş îmbrăţişa tot sîngele. am un rest de muzică în ceafă.

A scrap of music in the back of my head

while I sleep dogs guard the city they burst forth together
from their narrow universe and now they dream they’re human once more
if men want to be little vicious curs, let them. nobody knows
it began today. gala gala gala the disease in my brain sleeps
I don’t glow at the moment to be humiliated later. I sleep I don’t have a heart
I cautiously hack my way through the forest of symbols as I walk
I’m a handsome man
born in Jerusalem in ’62 A.D.
a coffee-shop philosopher
non-thinking is my art
it’s in my power to rise up
to shatter the bowl
to change my voice
I’m that splendid animal that chops its head off and throws it
in the sea for the great fishes to bow to it and kiss it on the lips.
it’s cold inside the head I light a fire.
it’s like when I’d crack the ice in a woman
and embrace all her blood. I have a scrap of music in the back of my head.

A scrap of music in the back of my head

while I sleep dogs guard the city they burst forth together
from their narrow universe and now they dream they’re human once more
if men want to be little vicious curs, let them. nobody knows
it began today. gala gala gala the disease in my brain sleeps
I don’t glow at the moment to be humiliated later. I sleep I don’t have a heart
I cautiously hack my way through the forest of symbols as I walk
I’m a handsome man
born in Jerusalem in ’62 A.D.
a coffee-shop philosopher
non-thinking is my art
it’s in my power to rise up
to shatter the bowl
to change my voice
I’m that splendid animal that chops its head off and throws it
in the sea for the great fishes to bow to it and kiss it on the lips.
it’s cold inside the head I light a fire.
it’s like when I’d crack the ice in a woman
and embrace all her blood. I have a scrap of music in the back of my head.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère