Antonella Anedda
September 2001. Maddalena Archipelago, Island of S. Stefano
This small island riven underwater by U.S. submarines,where my great-grandfather planted citrus fruits and vines,
built cowsheds and brought ten cows from the mainland.
Their trembling hoofs on the boat, the wind on their backs
only struck till then by rain from the north.
They’re still there, horns mingled with the sand,
deep-rooted skeletons, close up to the rocks, no longer afraid,
no longer distinguishing pasture from sea.
© Translation: 2003, Antonella Anedda
*S. Stefano is one of La Maddalena islands off Sardinia
Settembre 2001. Arcipelago della Maddalena, isola di S. Stefano
Settembre 2001. Arcipelago della Maddalena, isola di S. Stefano
questa piccola isola forata sott’acqua dai sommergibili americani,dove mio bisnonno
piantò viti e agrumi
costruì stalle e portò dieci vacche dal Continente.
I loro zoccoli tremanti sulla barca, il vento sui dorsi
colpiti fino allora solo dalle piogge del nord.
Sono ancora lì, le corna miste a sabbia
gli scheletri profondi, stretti agli scogli
senza più paura, senza più distinzione tra i pascoli e il mare.
© 2003, Antonella Anedda
From: Il catalogo della gioia
Publisher: Donzelli, Roma
From: Il catalogo della gioia
Publisher: Donzelli, Roma
Poems of Antonella Anedda
September 2001. Maddalena Archipelago, Island of S. Stefano
This small island riven underwater by U.S. submarines,where my great-grandfather planted citrus fruits and vines,
built cowsheds and brought ten cows from the mainland.
Their trembling hoofs on the boat, the wind on their backs
only struck till then by rain from the north.
They’re still there, horns mingled with the sand,
deep-rooted skeletons, close up to the rocks, no longer afraid,
no longer distinguishing pasture from sea.
© 2003, Antonella Anedda
From: Il catalogo della gioia
From: Il catalogo della gioia
September 2001. Maddalena Archipelago, Island of S. Stefano
This small island riven underwater by U.S. submarines,where my great-grandfather planted citrus fruits and vines,
built cowsheds and brought ten cows from the mainland.
Their trembling hoofs on the boat, the wind on their backs
only struck till then by rain from the north.
They’re still there, horns mingled with the sand,
deep-rooted skeletons, close up to the rocks, no longer afraid,
no longer distinguishing pasture from sea.
© 2003, Antonella Anedda

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère