Poetry International Poetry International

Sara Uribe

"How do we understand"


: How do we understand this strange place of being
between life and death, of speaking precisely from that
vacillating boundary?

: a woman living on the border

: this strange place

: she is dead yet speaks

: she is the one with no place who nevertheless seeks to
claim one within speech

: Do you mean that she will continue here on her own,
speaking aloud, dead, speaking at the top of her voice for
all of us to hear? 


"Hoe kunnen we die vreemde plek begrijpen"


: Hoe kunnen we die vreemde plek begrijpen tussen leven
en dood, het spreken precies vanaf de grens?

: een grensbewoonster 

: die vreemde plek

: ze is dood maar ze spreekt

: ze heeft geen plek maar eist er een op vanuit de spraak

: Wil je zeggen dat ze hier alleen zal blijven, hardop
pratend, dood, luidkeels pratend zodat wij haar allemaal




: ¿Es posible entender ese extraño lugar entre la
vida y la muerte, ese hablar precisamente desde el

: una habitante de la frontera

: ese extraño lugar

: ella está muerta pero habla

: ella no tiene lugar pero reclama uno desde el

: ¿Quieres decir que va a seguir aquí sola,
hablando en voz alta, muerta, hablando a viva voz
para que todos la oigamos?



"How do we understand"


: How do we understand this strange place of being
between life and death, of speaking precisely from that
vacillating boundary?

: a woman living on the border

: this strange place

: she is dead yet speaks

: she is the one with no place who nevertheless seeks to
claim one within speech

: Do you mean that she will continue here on her own,
speaking aloud, dead, speaking at the top of her voice for
all of us to hear? 


"How do we understand"


: How do we understand this strange place of being
between life and death, of speaking precisely from that
vacillating boundary?

: a woman living on the border

: this strange place

: she is dead yet speaks

: she is the one with no place who nevertheless seeks to
claim one within speech

: Do you mean that she will continue here on her own,
speaking aloud, dead, speaking at the top of her voice for
all of us to hear? 


Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère