Poetry International Poetry International

Ellen Deckwitz


I dreamt of a little fish. A boy or a girl,
either was fine with me. As long as it was breathing.

It would grow a beautiful tail.
All I had in my lower body was a fairytale

about how they kept on screaming at me 
until finally I’d be able to walk.

One day the little fish would swim away, quietly,
I wouldn’t notice like with the others

who weren’t as whole. My nephews and nieces
play with their water pistols, but my offspring

can survive drainage. On the kitchen table lies the atlas,
already etched an atlantis blue.



Ik droomde van een visje. Een jongetje of een meisje,
dat maakte me niet uit. Zolang het maar ademde.

Het zou een prachtig staartje krijgen.
In mijn eigen onderlijf zat slechts een sprookje

van hoe ze maar tegen me aan bleven schreeuwen
tot ik eindelijk kon lopen.

Op een dag zou het visje stilletjes wegzwemmen,
ik zou het niet merken zoals bij de anderen

die minder intact waren. Mijn neefjes en nichtjes
spelen met hun waterpistolen, maar mijn nazaat

kan tegen afwatering. Op de keukentafel ligt de atlas,
alvast atlantisblauw gekrast.


I dreamt of a little fish. A boy or a girl,
either was fine with me. As long as it was breathing.

It would grow a beautiful tail.
All I had in my lower body was a fairytale

about how they kept on screaming at me 
until finally I’d be able to walk.

One day the little fish would swim away, quietly,
I wouldn’t notice like with the others

who weren’t as whole. My nephews and nieces
play with their water pistols, but my offspring

can survive drainage. On the kitchen table lies the atlas,
already etched an atlantis blue.


I dreamt of a little fish. A boy or a girl,
either was fine with me. As long as it was breathing.

It would grow a beautiful tail.
All I had in my lower body was a fairytale

about how they kept on screaming at me 
until finally I’d be able to walk.

One day the little fish would swim away, quietly,
I wouldn’t notice like with the others

who weren’t as whole. My nephews and nieces
play with their water pistols, but my offspring

can survive drainage. On the kitchen table lies the atlas,
already etched an atlantis blue.

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère