Poetry International Poetry International

Kira Wuck


In a cheap hotel where the walls move along with you
cats stare feverishly out of their eyes
they rub against the guests to make them stay longer
it’s always others who bring the cold inside with them

a young man who doesn’t leave his room
thinks that the world is running out of his fingers
fields drift by
he’s been lying like that for twenty-one days
he dreams of cutting himself out of photographs
in a country where the sky is black and opium comes cheap



In een goedkoop hotel, waar de muren met je meebewegen
kijken katten koortsachtig uit hun ogen
ze geven de gasten kopjes zodat ze langer blijven
het zijn altijd anderen die kou mee naar binnen dragen

een jonge man die zijn kamer niet verlaat
denkt dat de wereld uit zijn vingers loopt
weilanden drijven voorbij
zo ligt hij al eenentwintig dagen
hij droomt ervan zichzelf uit foto’s te knippen
in een land waar de lucht zwart is en opium niet duur


In a cheap hotel where the walls move along with you
cats stare feverishly out of their eyes
they rub against the guests to make them stay longer
it’s always others who bring the cold inside with them

a young man who doesn’t leave his room
thinks that the world is running out of his fingers
fields drift by
he’s been lying like that for twenty-one days
he dreams of cutting himself out of photographs
in a country where the sky is black and opium comes cheap


In a cheap hotel where the walls move along with you
cats stare feverishly out of their eyes
they rub against the guests to make them stay longer
it’s always others who bring the cold inside with them

a young man who doesn’t leave his room
thinks that the world is running out of his fingers
fields drift by
he’s been lying like that for twenty-one days
he dreams of cutting himself out of photographs
in a country where the sky is black and opium comes cheap
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère