Poetry International Poetry International

Kira Wuck

We Decide to Leave


Sometimes it seems like I have the wind in my back
the dead helping me move forwards
I stare at people who stand close by
as though they might disappear
when I blink my eyes

I want things to stick to me


Is happiness disappearing or rather being found
I don’t have the answer I shout
Sand begins to shift itself like an old camel

no person has ever been able to turn the sea


I need something that will make me lighter
from above everything always seems like it wants to go up
the crowd becomes an animal panting heavily

we decide to leave
but keep abandoning this by turns

We nemen ons voor te vertrekken

We nemen ons voor te vertrekken


Soms lijkt het alsof ik wind mee heb
de doden mij vooruit helpen
ik staar naar mensen die dichtbij staan
alsof ze na het knipperen
van mijn ogen verdwenen kunnen zijn

ik wil dat er dingen aan mij blijven kleven


Is geluk verdwijnen of juist gevonden worden
ik heb geen antwoorden roep ik
zand begint zich te verplaatsen als een oude kameel

nog nooit heeft een mens de zee doen keren


Ik heb iets nodig wat me lichter maakt
vanaf boven gezien lijkt alles altijd omhoog te willen
de massa wordt een zwaar ademend dier

we nemen ons voor te vertrekken
maar haken steeds om de beurt af

We Decide to Leave


Sometimes it seems like I have the wind in my back
the dead helping me move forwards
I stare at people who stand close by
as though they might disappear
when I blink my eyes

I want things to stick to me


Is happiness disappearing or rather being found
I don’t have the answer I shout
Sand begins to shift itself like an old camel

no person has ever been able to turn the sea


I need something that will make me lighter
from above everything always seems like it wants to go up
the crowd becomes an animal panting heavily

we decide to leave
but keep abandoning this by turns

We Decide to Leave


Sometimes it seems like I have the wind in my back
the dead helping me move forwards
I stare at people who stand close by
as though they might disappear
when I blink my eyes

I want things to stick to me


Is happiness disappearing or rather being found
I don’t have the answer I shout
Sand begins to shift itself like an old camel

no person has ever been able to turn the sea


I need something that will make me lighter
from above everything always seems like it wants to go up
the crowd becomes an animal panting heavily

we decide to leave
but keep abandoning this by turns
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère