Poetry International Poetry International

Nachoem M. Wijnberg

Like a law or a poem, for the Salafists or Constitutional Originalists, and are we now suddenly allowed to make jokes about what you’re afraid of?

How long can a text that is used to determine what to do remain as if nobody’s?

A proposal: that can definitely no longer continue when a decision that required understanding the text has not been made for as long as a life lasts.

You have to decide, here is the text and what you know about those who wrote it, the previous readings of the text and what you know about those who offered them, and what you know about what they knew about those who wrote the text.

Is there anything else you want to know? The customs of those who live with the text and what they know of the law, and of its readings, and of those who wrote the text and those who offered the readings, and of you who must decide.

By the way: how long may a text that is used to determine what to do remain as if nobody’s?

Let’s make a law, then we can fine those who say something strange about it.
Or are we now suddenly allowed to say anything at all about a law, like about your nose?
Your nose is so long we know you are coming long before we hear your footsteps.
And if you stick your nose in your own affairs it sticks out the other side.
You have to pay as much as their face is worth if you bump into someone in the dark and you can still see it on their face a day later.
You are allowed to explain that law as you please, not like a joke that you are only allowed to explain in one single way, and the fattest angels and police officers keep watch.
Do you hear it still, and that too? Then you must have good ears, not just large ones, like your feet.
Imagine you couldn’t kiss very well because your nose got in the way, and now you don’t have a nose anymore.
Then you know a law you would like to start with.

Als een wet of een gedicht, voor de salafisten of de grondwet-originalisten, en mogen we nu plotseling grappen maken over waar je bang voor bent?

Als een wet of een gedicht, voor de salafisten of de grondwet-originalisten, en mogen we nu plotseling grappen maken over waar je bang voor bent?

Hoe lang kan een tekst waaruit afgeleid wordt wat te doen zijn als van niemand?

Een voorstel: dat kan zeker niet meer als er zolang als een heel leven is niet een beslissing is genomen die het nodig maakte die tekst te begrijpen.

Jij moet beslissen, hier heb je de tekst en wat je weet over wie de tekst maakte, de eerdere uitleg van de tekst en wat je weet van wie toen uitleg gaven, en wat je weet over wat zij wisten over wie de tekst maakte.

Wil je verder nog iets weten? De gewoontes van wie met de tekst leven en wat zij van de wet weten, en van de uitleg, en van wie de tekst maakte en van wie de uitleg gaf, en van jou die moet beslissen.

Overigens: hoe lang mag een tekst waaruit afgeleid wordt wat te doen zijn als van niemand?

Laten we een wet maken, dan kunnen we beboeten wie er iets raars over zegt.
Of mogen we nu plotseling alles over een wet zeggen, zoals over je neus?
Jouw neus is zo lang, we weten al dat je eraan komt, lang voordat we je voetstappen horen.
En als je je neus in je eigen zaken steekt, steekt die er aan de andere kant weer uit.
Je moet zoveel betalen als zijn gezicht waard is, als je in het donker tegen iemand op gelopen bent, en een dag later is het nog te zien in zijn gezicht.
Die wet mag je uitleggen zoals je wilt, niet zoals een grap die je maar op één manier mag uitleggen, en de dikste engelen en politieagenten houden toezicht.
Hoor je dat nog, en dat ook nog? Dan moet je wel goede oren hebben, niet alleen grote, zoals je voeten.
Stel dat je niet goed kon kussen, omdat je neus in de weg zat, en nu heb je geen neus meer.
Dan weet je nog een wet waarmee je wilt beginnen.

Like a law or a poem, for the Salafists or Constitutional Originalists, and are we now suddenly allowed to make jokes about what you’re afraid of?

How long can a text that is used to determine what to do remain as if nobody’s?

A proposal: that can definitely no longer continue when a decision that required understanding the text has not been made for as long as a life lasts.

You have to decide, here is the text and what you know about those who wrote it, the previous readings of the text and what you know about those who offered them, and what you know about what they knew about those who wrote the text.

Is there anything else you want to know? The customs of those who live with the text and what they know of the law, and of its readings, and of those who wrote the text and those who offered the readings, and of you who must decide.

By the way: how long may a text that is used to determine what to do remain as if nobody’s?

Let’s make a law, then we can fine those who say something strange about it.
Or are we now suddenly allowed to say anything at all about a law, like about your nose?
Your nose is so long we know you are coming long before we hear your footsteps.
And if you stick your nose in your own affairs it sticks out the other side.
You have to pay as much as their face is worth if you bump into someone in the dark and you can still see it on their face a day later.
You are allowed to explain that law as you please, not like a joke that you are only allowed to explain in one single way, and the fattest angels and police officers keep watch.
Do you hear it still, and that too? Then you must have good ears, not just large ones, like your feet.
Imagine you couldn’t kiss very well because your nose got in the way, and now you don’t have a nose anymore.
Then you know a law you would like to start with.

Like a law or a poem, for the Salafists or Constitutional Originalists, and are we now suddenly allowed to make jokes about what you’re afraid of?

How long can a text that is used to determine what to do remain as if nobody’s?

A proposal: that can definitely no longer continue when a decision that required understanding the text has not been made for as long as a life lasts.

You have to decide, here is the text and what you know about those who wrote it, the previous readings of the text and what you know about those who offered them, and what you know about what they knew about those who wrote the text.

Is there anything else you want to know? The customs of those who live with the text and what they know of the law, and of its readings, and of those who wrote the text and those who offered the readings, and of you who must decide.

By the way: how long may a text that is used to determine what to do remain as if nobody’s?

Let’s make a law, then we can fine those who say something strange about it.
Or are we now suddenly allowed to say anything at all about a law, like about your nose?
Your nose is so long we know you are coming long before we hear your footsteps.
And if you stick your nose in your own affairs it sticks out the other side.
You have to pay as much as their face is worth if you bump into someone in the dark and you can still see it on their face a day later.
You are allowed to explain that law as you please, not like a joke that you are only allowed to explain in one single way, and the fattest angels and police officers keep watch.
Do you hear it still, and that too? Then you must have good ears, not just large ones, like your feet.
Imagine you couldn’t kiss very well because your nose got in the way, and now you don’t have a nose anymore.
Then you know a law you would like to start with.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère