Poetry International Poetry International

Galo Ghigliotto


Carmen her rosy cheeks her chubby face
my doped up mother
me falling on my ass in the blood 
i don't know what I'm doing in my mother's arms
we are in the middle of the river it's three in the morning
i was sleeping in my warm cozy bed when she came
and first got me out of there
and then out of this shit-filled world
that was the idea
at three in the morning submerged in the Calle Calle river
swimming with the moon
or under the moon that dunked our heads in the water 
but heroes exist for fuck’s sake
heroes exist and some fucker pulled us out
pulled us out of the water he fucked it up for us
i also wanted to die and also
the fucker slapped my mother and said to her
how could you and sadly
i was too little
but time does not pass in vain:
it doesn't pass in vain asshole you must be old now
very old  and I am going to look for you
i'm going to look for you motherfucker



la Carmen sus mejillas rosadas su cara regordeta
mi madre dopada
yo sacándome la chucha en la sangre
no sé qué hago en los brazos de mi madre
estamos en medio del río son las tres de la mañana
yo dormía en mi cama calientito cuando vino ella
y me sacó de ahí primero
y de este mundo de mierda después era la idea
a las tres de la mañana sumergidos en el río Calle Calle
nadando junto a la luna
o bajo ella que nos hundía la cabeza
pero los héroes existen por la chucha
los héroes existen y un huevón nos sacó
nos sacó del agua nos cagó la onda
yo también quería morirme y más encima
el huevón le pegó a mi madre le dijo
que cómo se le ocurre y yo por desgracia
estaba demasiado chico
pero el tiempo no pasa en vano:
no pasa en vano hueón ahora debes estar viejo
muy viejo  y voy a ir a buscarte
te voy a ir a buscarte conchetumadre


Carmen her rosy cheeks her chubby face
my doped up mother
me falling on my ass in the blood 
i don't know what I'm doing in my mother's arms
we are in the middle of the river it's three in the morning
i was sleeping in my warm cozy bed when she came
and first got me out of there
and then out of this shit-filled world
that was the idea
at three in the morning submerged in the Calle Calle river
swimming with the moon
or under the moon that dunked our heads in the water 
but heroes exist for fuck’s sake
heroes exist and some fucker pulled us out
pulled us out of the water he fucked it up for us
i also wanted to die and also
the fucker slapped my mother and said to her
how could you and sadly
i was too little
but time does not pass in vain:
it doesn't pass in vain asshole you must be old now
very old  and I am going to look for you
i'm going to look for you motherfucker


Carmen her rosy cheeks her chubby face
my doped up mother
me falling on my ass in the blood 
i don't know what I'm doing in my mother's arms
we are in the middle of the river it's three in the morning
i was sleeping in my warm cozy bed when she came
and first got me out of there
and then out of this shit-filled world
that was the idea
at three in the morning submerged in the Calle Calle river
swimming with the moon
or under the moon that dunked our heads in the water 
but heroes exist for fuck’s sake
heroes exist and some fucker pulled us out
pulled us out of the water he fucked it up for us
i also wanted to die and also
the fucker slapped my mother and said to her
how could you and sadly
i was too little
but time does not pass in vain:
it doesn't pass in vain asshole you must be old now
very old  and I am going to look for you
i'm going to look for you motherfucker
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère