Maarten van der Graaff
I don’t want to be a cultural entrepreneur,and I shout from the cold stone that I want love.
I am self-employed. I want love and artistic freedom.
There is money in poetry,
and I want money to buy pints,
because I’m boring and addicted to beer.
That is a boring addiction.
In a tunnel I imagine
that all roads are subterranean.
No more masochism in novels
or TV-series on taciturn, damaged men.
I’m talking to you.
I’m talking to you from the cold stone.
Somewhere a will is being broken.
Çağlar Köseoğlu on the cold stone.
I love Çağlar,
and I love Léjon Saarloos.
Léjon Saarloos on the cold stone.
Hannah van Binsbergen and Matthijs Ponte on the cold stone.
Sitting on the cold stone is a task of punishment.
You can come a cropper on the cold stone.
I would like to organise an illegal poetry event
but because the rebellious and secret
are fetishized by the producers of culture,
I can’t be bothered.
I didn’t come here to present a warmed stone.
The light is getting dirtier, the handwriting more obsessive.
Arno Van Vlierberghe and Mathijs Tratsaert on the cold stone.
Bert van der Beek on the cold stone.
Sitting on the cold stone is a labour of love.
Sitting on the cold stone is a stupid work of art.
I believe in repetition
and smell the silent breath of catastrophe.
Max Czollek danced to techno, produced techno
and thought he saw something. A different society
(now he’s building pressure chambers).
Mina Pam Dick on the cold stone.
I’m talking to you from the cold cold stone.
All poetry is bourgeois,
all commonplaces are ours.
Come to me!
My pets will die
and I will lie beside them in the ground.
All culture will disappear
and I live in Utrecht, look for work
and eat things up.
Ik wil geen cultureel ondernemer zijnen roep vanaf de koude steen dat ik liefde wil.
Ik ben zzp’er. Ik wil liefde en een vrije kunst.
Er zit geld in gedichten
en ik wil geld om halve liters te kopen,
want ik ben saai en verslaafd aan bier.
Dat is een saaie verslaving.
In een tunnel stel ik me voor
dat alle wegen ondergronds zijn.
Geen masochisme in romans meer
of tv-series over zwijgzame, beschadigde mannen.
Ik praat tegen je.
Vanaf de koude steen praat ik tegen je.
Ergens wordt een wil gebroken.
Çağlar Köseoğlu op de koude steen.
Ik hou van Çağlar
en ik hou van Léjon Saarloos.
Léjon Saarloos op de koude steen.
Hannah van Binsbergen en Matthijs Ponte op de koude steen.
Op de koude steen zitten is strafwerk.
Je kunt een doodsmak maken op de koude steen.
Ik zou een illegale poëziebijeenkomst willen organiseren,
maar omdat het opstandige en geheime
gefetisjeerd worden door cultuurproducenten,
heb ik er geen zin in.
Ik ben niet gekomen om een warme steen te brengen.
Het licht wordt smeriger, het handschrift obsessiever.
Arno Van Vlierberghe en Mathijs Tratsaert op de koude steen.
Bert van der Beek op de koude steen.
Op de koude steen zitten is liefdewerk.
Op de koude steen zitten is een dom kunstwerk.
Ik geloof in herhaling
en ruik de stille adem van de catastrofe.
Max Czollek danste op techno, maakte techno
en dacht iets te zien. Een andere samenleving
(nu bouwt hij drukkamers).
Mina Pam Dick op de koude steen.
Vanaf de koude steen praat ik tegen jullie.
Alle poëzie is burgerlijk,
alle gemeenplaatsen zijn van ons.
Kom naar me toe!
Mijn huisdieren zullen sterven
en ik zal bij ze liggen in de grond.
Alle cultuur zal verdwijnen
en ik leef in Utrecht, zoek naar werk
en eet dingen op.
From: Dood werk
Publisher: Atlas Contact, Amsterdam
Publisher: Atlas Contact, Amsterdam
Poems of Maarten van der Graaff
I don’t want to be a cultural entrepreneur,and I shout from the cold stone that I want love.
I am self-employed. I want love and artistic freedom.
There is money in poetry,
and I want money to buy pints,
because I’m boring and addicted to beer.
That is a boring addiction.
In a tunnel I imagine
that all roads are subterranean.
No more masochism in novels
or TV-series on taciturn, damaged men.
I’m talking to you.
I’m talking to you from the cold stone.
Somewhere a will is being broken.
Çağlar Köseoğlu on the cold stone.
I love Çağlar,
and I love Léjon Saarloos.
Léjon Saarloos on the cold stone.
Hannah van Binsbergen and Matthijs Ponte on the cold stone.
Sitting on the cold stone is a task of punishment.
You can come a cropper on the cold stone.
I would like to organise an illegal poetry event
but because the rebellious and secret
are fetishized by the producers of culture,
I can’t be bothered.
I didn’t come here to present a warmed stone.
The light is getting dirtier, the handwriting more obsessive.
Arno Van Vlierberghe and Mathijs Tratsaert on the cold stone.
Bert van der Beek on the cold stone.
Sitting on the cold stone is a labour of love.
Sitting on the cold stone is a stupid work of art.
I believe in repetition
and smell the silent breath of catastrophe.
Max Czollek danced to techno, produced techno
and thought he saw something. A different society
(now he’s building pressure chambers).
Mina Pam Dick on the cold stone.
I’m talking to you from the cold cold stone.
All poetry is bourgeois,
all commonplaces are ours.
Come to me!
My pets will die
and I will lie beside them in the ground.
All culture will disappear
and I live in Utrecht, look for work
and eat things up.
From: Dood werk
I don’t want to be a cultural entrepreneur,and I shout from the cold stone that I want love.
I am self-employed. I want love and artistic freedom.
There is money in poetry,
and I want money to buy pints,
because I’m boring and addicted to beer.
That is a boring addiction.
In a tunnel I imagine
that all roads are subterranean.
No more masochism in novels
or TV-series on taciturn, damaged men.
I’m talking to you.
I’m talking to you from the cold stone.
Somewhere a will is being broken.
Çağlar Köseoğlu on the cold stone.
I love Çağlar,
and I love Léjon Saarloos.
Léjon Saarloos on the cold stone.
Hannah van Binsbergen and Matthijs Ponte on the cold stone.
Sitting on the cold stone is a task of punishment.
You can come a cropper on the cold stone.
I would like to organise an illegal poetry event
but because the rebellious and secret
are fetishized by the producers of culture,
I can’t be bothered.
I didn’t come here to present a warmed stone.
The light is getting dirtier, the handwriting more obsessive.
Arno Van Vlierberghe and Mathijs Tratsaert on the cold stone.
Bert van der Beek on the cold stone.
Sitting on the cold stone is a labour of love.
Sitting on the cold stone is a stupid work of art.
I believe in repetition
and smell the silent breath of catastrophe.
Max Czollek danced to techno, produced techno
and thought he saw something. A different society
(now he’s building pressure chambers).
Mina Pam Dick on the cold stone.
I’m talking to you from the cold cold stone.
All poetry is bourgeois,
all commonplaces are ours.
Come to me!
My pets will die
and I will lie beside them in the ground.
All culture will disappear
and I live in Utrecht, look for work
and eat things up.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère