Yanko González
[torpedos/cheat sheet]
v. complete the chart: a. breathes sometimes, but does it continually. b. carries loyalty in his blood, but has circulation problems. c. has no pulse, they are clots of the subconscious
xvii. for question six: open only the books that give you a reason. bring a mirror and look into it to be sure you are still there. and remember, the kitchen is closed, but you are left with the tears.
xxiv. problem eleven: you must set yourself between the word disastrous and terrible. I wouldn’t ignore the black cat. and the thumb and the index that the jigsaw is now cutting off. and your thoughts that say, ‘I just cut off my fingers with the jigsaw, I just cut off my fingers with the jigsaw’. not even your friend that says, ‘it’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true’, and even less your mother that runs out into the street and starts to cry.
xxx. they turn up always. good thing they are always the same: sickness=the body’s disloyalty the spirit. sickness=the burnt corners. sickness=the dance of two silences
xxxiii. examples for theme thirty three: we all run towards anonymity, only the translators arrive a bit beforehand. will you do me the favor of reading this a second time, I rewrote it twice.
v. invullen bij de schema’s: a. ademt soms, maar ononderbroken. b. heeft loyaliteit in zijn aderen, maar een probleem met zijn bloedsomloop. c. heeft geen pols, het zijn klontertjes onderbewustzijn.
xvii. voor vraag zes: open boeken die je alleen maar gelijk geven. neem een spiegel mee en kijk erin om te weten of je er nog bent. en onthoud, de keuken is gesloten, maar je hebt je tranen nog.
xxiv. opdracht elf: je moet tussen de woorden nefast en funest gaan zitten. ik zou goed opletten op de zwarte kat. en op je duim en wijsvinger die nu door de figuurzaag in plakjes worden gesneden. en op de innerlijke stem die zegt “ik heb net met de figuurzaag mijn vingers afgezaagd, ik heb net met de figuurzaag mijn vingers afgezaagd”. en ook op je klasgenoot die zegt “niet waar, niet waar, niet waar” en zeker op je moeder die de straat op rent en in huilen uitbarst.
xxx. staan er altijd in. gelukkig zijn ze hetzelfde: ziekte = ontrouw van het lichaam aan de geest. ziekte = branderigheid in de mondhoeken. ziekte = een dans tussen twee stiltes.
xxxiii. voorbeelden voor vragenlijst drieëndertig: iedereen snelt richting anonimiteit, alleen de vertalers komen wat eerder aan. wil je dit alsjeblieft nog eens lezen, ik heb het twee keer herschreven.
v. en los diagramas completar: a. respira a veces, pero lo hace seguido. b. lleva la lealtad en la sangre, pero tiene un problema de circulación. c. no tiene pulso, son grumos del subconsciente.
xvii. para la pregunta seis: abre libros que solo te encuentren la razón. lleva un espejo y lo miras para saber si todavía estás ahí. y recuerda, la cocina está cerrada, pero te quedan las lágrimas.
xxiv. el problema once: hay que sentarse entre la palabra nefasto y funesto. yo no ignoraría el gato negro. y el pulgar y el índice que ahora te rebana la sierra de calar. y tus pensamientos que dicen “me acabo de cortar los dedos con la sierra de calar, me acabo de cortar los dedos con la sierra de calar”. tampoco a tu compañero que dice “no es verdad, no es verdad, no es verdad” y menos a tu madre que corre hacia la calle y se echa a llorar.
xxx. salen siempre. menos mal que son las mismas: enfermedad = deslealtad del cuerpo frente al espíritu. enfermedad = una quemazón en las comisuras. enfermedad = un baile entre dos silencios.
xxxiii. ejemplos para el temario treinta y tres: todos corremos hacia el anonimato solo que los traductores llegan un poco antes. me harás el favor de leer esto una segunda vez, yo lo reescribí dos veces.
[torpedos/cheat sheet]
v. complete the chart: a. breathes sometimes, but does it continually. b. carries loyalty in his blood, but has circulation problems. c. has no pulse, they are clots of the subconscious
xvii. for question six: open only the books that give you a reason. bring a mirror and look into it to be sure you are still there. and remember, the kitchen is closed, but you are left with the tears.
xxiv. problem eleven: you must set yourself between the word disastrous and terrible. I wouldn’t ignore the black cat. and the thumb and the index that the jigsaw is now cutting off. and your thoughts that say, ‘I just cut off my fingers with the jigsaw, I just cut off my fingers with the jigsaw’. not even your friend that says, ‘it’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true’, and even less your mother that runs out into the street and starts to cry.
xxx. they turn up always. good thing they are always the same: sickness=the body’s disloyalty the spirit. sickness=the burnt corners. sickness=the dance of two silences
xxxiii. examples for theme thirty three: we all run towards anonymity, only the translators arrive a bit beforehand. will you do me the favor of reading this a second time, I rewrote it twice.
[torpedos/cheat sheet]
v. complete the chart: a. breathes sometimes, but does it continually. b. carries loyalty in his blood, but has circulation problems. c. has no pulse, they are clots of the subconscious
xvii. for question six: open only the books that give you a reason. bring a mirror and look into it to be sure you are still there. and remember, the kitchen is closed, but you are left with the tears.
xxiv. problem eleven: you must set yourself between the word disastrous and terrible. I wouldn’t ignore the black cat. and the thumb and the index that the jigsaw is now cutting off. and your thoughts that say, ‘I just cut off my fingers with the jigsaw, I just cut off my fingers with the jigsaw’. not even your friend that says, ‘it’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true’, and even less your mother that runs out into the street and starts to cry.
xxx. they turn up always. good thing they are always the same: sickness=the body’s disloyalty the spirit. sickness=the burnt corners. sickness=the dance of two silences
xxxiii. examples for theme thirty three: we all run towards anonymity, only the translators arrive a bit beforehand. will you do me the favor of reading this a second time, I rewrote it twice.